Where did this year go???

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Where did this year go???

Post by RosalieM »

I have just realised I only have 6 working days left this year after today. That is scary. The year has flown. This is my second year in this job and I still feel like a beginner in many ways! I am hoping to get permission to spend some time in here over the holidays and sort through a few cupboards - things I just don't seem to be able to do with classes in there all the time! Although, I must add that I feel like I have accomplished quite a bit this last term with no year 12 and especially the last couple of weeks with no year 10. Not that anyone would know it by looking in the labs and at the state of my prep room!! Losing my dishwasher hasn't helped though... It is sadly unfixable so my days of luxury are over... Those few months were bliss!

I haven't really planned anything for my holidays yet, other than a quick trip to Melbourne (non-refundable flights to a wedding which is no longer happening...). Have any of you guys started making holiday plans yet? I realise NSW state schools still have a few more weeks. I really feel sorry for you guys!!
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by ri »

Hi Rosalie,
I have been down that path of a wedding in Cairns with no refundable ticket!!!!!!!!!!!
Went though and had fun with relatives with no pressure - a BBQ instead of a reception.
I will be up your way at Keepit Dam from 6th - 12th December on a Uni field trip, hope you can give us nice weather.
PS can you give me an idea of how to get there from Sydney?
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by RosalieM »

It depends on what bit of Sydney you are in. You can go on the freeway to the end and up the New England Highway or up the Putty Road. Try looking on whereis.com.au to get an idea! I'm heading to Sydney this weekend for a baby shower and to see Andre Rieu (sadly he won't be at the baby shower...). I'll get there on the putty rd and probably come back on the highway :)
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Sassi »

Well I will be spending christmas here in Sydney, it is only my second time I stay here for x-mas since I came here almost 7yrs ago, and I am not looking forward too it :( How will I be able to get that x-mas feeling when it will be hot and sunny, it should be cold, hopefully snow and dark most of the day so that you can enjoy candle lights and open fires. And I will miss my family and friends something terrible... I should have gone home, but we are saving money for our wedding next year which will be in Sweden, so I couldn't go on my poor labbie pay :( Oh well, it wont be much of a x-mas for me, but I certainly will enjoy my holiday, lazing around home, going swimming and I will fix my bike (push) so that I go on little adventures and get some excercise as well. And I am so looking forward to Sydney fireworks for new years!

Sassi :)
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by lada »

Rosalie, I ,too will be going to see Andre Rieu. Should be a great concert.
Enjoy, lada :-({|=
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Lis »

Sassi, dont be sad :cry2: Christmas is christmas where ever you are, as long as you have friends and people you love around you. You should learn some Aussie christmas carols and sing them really loud, thats what we do christmas eve and drink wine, watch chrissy movies, drink wine, read chrissy book, drink wine, sing REALLY loud, and look for Santa in the sky, drink wine :drunk: , and crash out and hope Santa is still OK to find his way to our place, and not make too much noise to wake children. You can always come to my place I like to share, especially my chrissy spirit.
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by RosalieM »

When we were kids and all the kazillions of cousins got together we'd play Bucko and Champs Aussie Christmas CD all day. So much fun! Sassi you should learn some of the songs off that. Especially the Aussie Jingle Bells. I'd love to have a white Christmas some day, but I don't know that it would feel like Christmas without the beach and a huge watermelon!
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Sassi »

You are all so sweet :)

I must have had a very bad case of homesickness yesterday when I typed that message, I guess especially at times like christmas thats when it really sucks being so far away from your family and you get a bit sad :( ... But Sure x-mas wont be the same, I wont have the cold or my family or all the nice stuff we cook for chrissy, but I will have a different christmas here, and I am lucky to be able to spend it with my fiancees and his family (LADA), and that will be very lovely indeed... although Lada's mum makes this pea soup for xmas dinner, and that I am afraid I am dreading a little bit hehehehehehe :) I shall get myself some aussie christmas carols, and if that doesn't work, then I always have the wine hey!

Sassi :)
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by rae »

Hi Sassi,
I know it must be difficult for you to spend Xmas away from your family, but use this as an opportunity to create your own xmas traditions. I'm sure you could incorporate some of your own traditions with Aussie ones and create a wonderful xmas for yourself and your fiance. What ever you do I'm sure it will be a wonderful time!

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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Loopy »

Good advice Lorrae. My family is European and of course Christmas is is Xmas eve for us. So I have always been out of step of the norm. Christmas is what you make of it and enjoying who you are with. My only advice to you Sassi is try really hard not to have any children in December! Both mine are (18th and 24th) although both were due in January!
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Sassi »

Hi loopy,

I will certainly try my hardest not to have children in december :) :) :)

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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Labbie »

After 36 years here in Aussie, I use to miss the cold christmas and the snow, still miss the pubs etc. But would not go back now. I just love Aussie, and now I feel so at home. It does take awhile to get use too. But it will come. I still like to get the photos of the snow, but not have its problems, stuck in the snow, I did like the school closed days. The hot soup, but not the cold cold wet days & nights. Yes it is different, but with time it does pass.
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Slartibartfast »

Things could be worse I suppose, you could live in Lithgow!

Australia isn't a bad place, you just have to get used to living 55km from the sun!
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Robdean »

Well, I'm heading off to England visit my youngest daughter in January. She's been teaching in Essex since February and I'm expecting it to be chilly to say the least. The other day it made it to 5deg and she looked out the window to see snow falling. Days are short (getting dark while she's still at school) which explains why they all say "Good night" as they leave for the afternoon. So, I will be a little more than "55 km from the sun", but I can't wait to see her.
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Lis »

I went to England in January a few years ago, it is wonderful. It is very cold, and gets dark early, but it is terrific, I hope you have a fantastic time.
cheers Lisa 8-)
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by Robdean »

Thanks for that. I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter so much I don't really mind what the temp will be (though cold, I know) My eldest is coming also and I will be spending my Big 5-0 with both my girls - will be very special! (My husband will be working back here - oh and looking after the dog!)
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by lada »

how did you enjoy A.Rieu? I thought it was fantastic.
:-({|= lada
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by sunray18 »

Lucky you to go to the Uk - say Hi and wave to my son as you go through London for me please. I probably won't see him for at least 5 years now... sigh...
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Re: Where did this year go???

Post by RosalieM »

Hi Lada,
I thought Andre Rieu was just brilliant! I was in the 'cheap seats' so we were under cover and had a bird's eye view of everything. Good thing they had big screens or I wouldn't have really seen much besides the palace! But the overall effect was just amazing. My parents were quite close to the front so they got drenched.
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