Tracking of dataloggers

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Tracking of dataloggers

Post by agregory »

Hi everyone,

Just after some ideas for keeping a track of dataloggers. We have 22 of them which are used by various classes all the time. We always seem to be missing some at the end when all the pracs/EEIs are finished and we end up running around looking everywhere for them until they are found. The pracs are booked via RiskAssess, but we need to track individual dataloggers. Any ideas?
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Re: Tracking of dataloggers

Post by Merilyn1 »

Is it the students losing them, or the teachers? Maybe numbering each unit and providing a list with each prac to record which student or group of students (or teacher) took each data logger, then the teacher can mark off as they are returned. Sounds like a lot of work but they aren't cheap things.
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Re: Tracking of dataloggers

Post by agregory »

Mainly students use them for pracs, but occasionally a teacher or another department borrows them. We have them numbered. Sometimes they come and go every lesson for different pracs, some students keep them running on an experiment over a couple of lessons. There are just so many variances that can occur it is hard to find something that is easily recordable.
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