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Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 10:29
by RosalieM
Hello people!
The Q Stores table at St Mary's had a display of something which could be used to clean up spills. They used chunky soup to simulate vomit and to demonstrate how it soaks everything up so it can be swept into a container for disposal. Does anyone know what this product is????
Also, for those who did the Euglena session - In our group someone mentioned using the specimen jars for storing electrodes and some other things which I can't remember now. Q Stores don't seem to have them, so I am wondering who I get them from and what size I need (for storing electrodes - I'm determined to get that drawer organised!). I found some in the Serrata catalogue but they don't have dimentions listed, only mL.
Thanks in advance!

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 11:08
by Labbie
Try ringing Q-stores, and would you be so kind as to let us know. One solid item in the spills kit would be much better. I would also like to know the name of the snake like thingo, that contains the spill. Sorry about the snake like thingo,

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 12:04
by RosalieM
I haven't tried ringing them myself, but someone else on the OHS committee tried and the person they spoke to had never heard of such a thing, so that's why I thought I'd try here. If nobody here knows I will ring myself and see what answer I get. I just thought if I had a name I could know what to ask for more specifically. I will let you know when I find out though!

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 12:52
by Jazz
why don't you give SETON call, Free Call: 1800 65 1173. They are best with OH&S things

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 27 Feb 2008, 13:15
by lizzieb
Rosalie, I thought I got a brochure, but can't find it amongst my catalogues.

The Q Stores catalogue lists Clean up Powder on Pg 783, along with a clean up kit for vomitus. I think you'd need more than a 250g bag though - I remember a day a year or so ago when guess who got to clean up a HUGE mess some poor kid had made in a lab. Very Yuk!

Left the school straight afterwards, and took my time getting a well-deserved coffee!!!!

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 28 Feb 2008, 08:20
by me
Hi Rosalie,
I have a copy of the brochure that Q Stores was handing out at the St Mary's conference. If you think this will help let me know your Fax number and I'll send you a copy.

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 28 Feb 2008, 08:24
by Labbie
PLease may I also have a copy from last years q-stores. My fax number is 9823 7662 attn Sue in Science. Thank you.

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 12:22
by Labbie
Thank you for the copy of q-stores spill kits.

The powder is called Absorbent sachets, they can come in different sizes, At St Marys they said they would be for sale in Jan 2008. It almost March and Q-stores are unsure, when they will come into stock.

Have nice weekend

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 12:58
by rp
Michael from Serrata manned the Q store table.Give him a ring.
Hope this helps

Re: Questions for people who went to St Mary's conference

Posted: 03 Mar 2008, 08:45
by RosalieM
Hi Tracey,

Yes please!! I would love to receive your brochure by fax - 02 67621752. I must not have picked one up...

Thanks Sue for your information too. Maybe I will order some and just leave it on back-order until they get it in :D
