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Science Equipment Management System

Posted: 14 Aug 2009, 12:41
by CC
Hi All,

Today my HOD gave me a flyer about CaRob Computing Science Equipment Management System. It does location of all stock on hand and it appears to already have everything loaded so you just need to add location. It looks really good and easy to use I was wondering if anybody else is using this or something similar, we are currently using an old card system which has not been updated in years.

If anybody has any ideas, all advice gratefully accepted


Re: Science Equipment Management System

Posted: 14 Aug 2009, 13:01
by dolphinscales
sounds good - maybe you can arraange to get it on approval?
I use access myself i find it easy and it works for us:)

Re: Science Equipment Management System

Posted: 14 Aug 2009, 14:36
by dime
If you can afford it and it looks good, get it. Years ago I listed everything on a spreadsheet - over 600 items, with the rooms - labs and prep rooms in the columns. This is easy to maintain, better than the old cards. But if you don't have to type it out, then that would be good. It is easier on computer whichever system you use. :D

Re: Science Equipment Management System

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 12:45
by labman
Hi Cindy,
Our main supplier in S.A. sells a stock control program. I don't have it, but I'm hoping to get it, as ours needs updating as well. I have heard lots of good reports from other labbies about this one, easy to use, etc. It sells for $280. I would be interested to know the price of the one you mentioned to compare. If you want additional info on the supplier, please PM me.