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St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 11:30
by noona
Hi All
Just a litle reminder yes I know it a bit early but the sooner the better
This will be our 10th =D> =D> :mrgreen: and we hope it is bigger and better than ever .
It is the 26th & 27th November 2009 and we may have to change venues thsi year as St Mary's may be in the middle of lab refubs.
If that is the case it will be at Greystanes High and we already have new Labs .
I will let you know asap so you can start planing for the big event \:D/ \:D/
Hope to see you all there . =D> =D>
So lets party :drunk: :drunk:

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 12:04
by kimmy
Thanks for the date already put it on the calendar.
\:D/ :drunk: :cheesy: :coffee: :drunk:

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 19 Feb 2009, 12:24
by J
Hi Noona

Are those dates set in stone, as I need to book my flights and the earlier the better.
I wouldn't miss this conference for anything!! :wub: :wub:


Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 06:27
by noona
yes that is the dates 26th & 27th November
But as I said the school may change
If so there is a motel and hotel very close by.
Noona =D> =D> =D> :wink: :wink:

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 13:32
by estelle
Would anyone have any idea how much it will be to attend. I have to apply now for allocation of funds to be shared between sas.

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 20 Feb 2009, 14:22
by macca
Can anyone tell me is St Mary's open to non-government labbies, sound like fun

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 06:42
by noona
The cost of the conference for Det school is $70.00 pre day and non det $100.00
and yes it is open to all lab assistant in NSW or any State as long as they work in a school we are happy for you to come the more the merrier :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: . We love to see labbies enjoying the days \:D/ :wub: :wub: and taking back something to their school.
As well as networking with others :-) :-) .
Remember you can for the two days or just one day. :coffee: :cheesy: :D

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 23 Feb 2009, 10:01
by rosaliemb
Hallo Noona,
Reading entries in the forums I hear how helpful St Marys Conference is, so I have been wondering if/how I could attend. Now I know a bit. Do you send out information at some stage about registering etc? And could you add me to the mailing list please. Dates sound possible.
Thanks Rosalie (another one) :D

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 24 Feb 2009, 06:11
by noona
HI Rosalie
The fliers go out in July/Aug so when they go out or close to tthe mail out I will post it on chemtalk and you can send me you email address and I will send you one.
We would love to have you come maybe you can teach us something new. =D> =D>

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 05 Mar 2009, 14:11
by sunray18
I would love to come - even if I have to take time off without pay ..
Please send me a flier via email when the time gets close..
Thank you

Re: St Mary's Lab Assistans Conference

Posted: 09 Mar 2009, 09:09
by noona
Hi All
I will put out a reminder as the conference gets closer and will also let you know when the flier goes out in the mail.
Noona :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 21 May 2009, 11:32
by noona
Hi All

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 21 May 2009, 12:30
by Labbie
Thank you Noona, that is really great news. I feel sure many other people will need his help. I would like to thank Lorraine for the chemwatch booklet. :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: =D> =D>

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 21 May 2009, 12:30
by matchstick
thanxs for the tip. I will be there with bells on.
I hope he is well prepared!!

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 21 May 2009, 14:15
by lizzieb

Well done, Noona :clap3:

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 21 May 2009, 14:31
by RosalieM
Sounds like a great idea - especially after all the discussion about it - I just wish I could get to the conference this year! Hopefully some of the Tamowrth labbies will be able to share what they learn :)

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 25 May 2009, 12:43
by noona
Hi Rosalie
I am sure Liz will give you the heads upp if she comes and I will get any paper work and send it to you :clap3: :clap3:
Just remind me in November the brain is a bit slow sometimes and I think I suffer from Oldtimers :cheesy: :cheesy:

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 25 May 2009, 14:37
by RosalieM
Thanks, Noona! That'd be great - I'll try to remember as well :)

Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 26 May 2009, 11:38
by rosiegbh
Hi Rosalie,
Have just got onto chemtalk today and what great news :D I am still waiting to hear from an IT guy with the DET about what to do with the manifest. I think I will have to wait for St Mary's conference to get and answer. I think you and the committee are doing a great job organising this event.

Thank you very much :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:


Re: St Mary's conference 2009

Posted: 27 May 2009, 07:29
by noona
Hi Rosemary
Thanks but remember if it was not for all you Labbies out there, there would not be a conference :clap3: :clap3:
So thank all of you :wub:
Richard from chemwatch has told me that chemwatch will change a little just befor the conference so we will get the heads up first :clap3: :clap3: