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making posters

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:16
by dolphinscales
does anyone out their in labbie land do poster displays? Info on current science events or intersting information and so forth?
i do here - it started as a way to keep a small private area to work in as my work area has a large bank of windows which people love to stop and look into - so to get away from the zoo / goldfish feel (and to keep soem heat out in summer) i put up cardboard but added to the window side information on current science happenings. It was popular so each term i try to change it. I have done this for 3 years but am running out of ideas. Wondered if anyone else did something similar and if so what sort of subjects do you cover.
I have had to keep it aimed at senior students as that is what we have here.

cheers in advance

Re: making posters

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:20
by kimmy
Try putting up some optical illusions - I put two blown up ones last week outside my prep room and the kids are stopping and looking heaps at these. Just an idea. :thumbup:


Re: making posters

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:34
by lada
Also some interesting sayings
eg FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION with monkey in the graduation gown
and there are lots of others, funny or educational

Re: making posters

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 15:14
by ellice
I put together displays of photos of the students at different things eg. Science and Engineering Challenge, Bio excursion, visit to Science by Preps, Streamwatch. They love looking at themselves! 8-)

Re: making posters

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 21:53
by lizzieb
Robb's photos!

Re: making posters

Posted: 09 Sep 2009, 09:58
by Loopy
I used to put an "on this day.." particularly aimed at science breakthroughs but as time went on I got too busy some days to change it so I eventually stopped. But I love your concept! I must try it here.

Re: making posters

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 08:59
by vlclabbie
I do a joke of the week.... one for the preparation room (for adults) & one for the lab door for the kids....

Re: making posters

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 13:29
by Maverick ... -panel.php

I have no ideas but this is a free sign builder sight. You can create any saying or line or other that you want. It can be quite alot of fun.

Re: making posters

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 13:47
by labman
Hi All,
I don't do anything here, but at my old school, one of the teachers used to collect any science related stories out of the newspapers, and put them on a series of notice boards in the corridor. Each one was dedicated to a different subject, eg. Space, Earth science, Electronics, Geology etc. It was fantastic. It created a lot of interest with the students, and I learnt all sorts of things about electric cars, what they discovered in space, what was happening at the zoo, and all the latest medical research!!! It's on my 'to do' list if I ever get time. Love all the other ideas listed here as well, it's given me some inspiration.

Re: making posters

Posted: 10 Sep 2009, 15:25
by lizzieb
That's a brilliant site, Maverick - thanks!

I have a noticeboard on my Prep Room door at THS, and used to put a joke, or 'did you know?', or trivia piece, or picture, or interesting article (all science related) up each day, but let it go earlier this year with all the imminent changes. Have bought one for here, but it's still sitting behind my office door!

Can't wait to be organised enough to put up some of Robb's photos :clap3:

The kids really appreciated it, and still ask about it on my THS days.