Job Description

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Re: Job Description

Post by Rowyrow »

YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY :clap3: I just had a meeting with my head of School and next year I get to work four days a week! :w00t: an increase of a whole day and a half yeessssssssssssssss :party: this means I can quit my other job in retail EXCITEMENT! but means I have to drop down to part time at uni :-( which mean it's gonna take longer!Oh well at least they are introducing psychology as an elective next year at the school so I can write some study off on tax :giggle: . JUst had to tell someone \:D/

PS did anyone know there was a limit to the number of smilies you can use in one message? apparently seven is your limit so use them wisely! :unsure:
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Re: Job Description

Post by Jen1 »

congratulations rowyrow! Will be nice to have just the one position to think about.
:clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:
and you're right, only 7 smiley claps for you
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Re: Job Description

Post by vlclabbie »

Congrats Row! :thumbup:

Still haven't been called in for my 'talk' yet....! :? Hope it's soon... need to plan next year with uni & life too!

I can't believe you weren't given a job description Rowyrow!

How many students do you have there in the middle & senior schools?
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Re: Job Description

Post by Rowyrow »

I think its only a few hundred? :unsure: two classes of year sixes three of sevens three of eights two of nines onw of tens, thats for this year though. Next year tens goes up to three and we get three year eleven classes aswell. the middle and senior is all on the same campus, Hooray for the new buildings going up at the moment and another new lab for me! :D
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Re: Job Description

Post by Ocean Breeze »

:clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:

yep. Just had to prove that one for myself!

I added a few extra skills to my job description several years ago.

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Re: Job Description

Post by rae »

Hi All,

I know this is an old topic, however I am just about to have my job description formalised. I have been here 4 years and there hasn't been one in that time. Just wondering if there was another topic on the forum somewhere that people had actually posted job descriptions.
If so where?
If not ,does anyone have one they could post here or fax to me. I just want to get an idea of what things are included eles where so nothing is left out.


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Re: Job Description

Post by Ocean Breeze »

Hi rae

I wrote my own job description in the end.
The other was pretty broad. Problem with writing down everything that you do, is that someone down the track can then hold you to it.

Problem with NOT writing your own, is that people just then think
that you are a mere washer-upper-er, and what on earth do you find to do all day?

a teacher ( non science) once asked me sports day, when there were no students in school ....
"You must get bored and be at a loose end when the teachers are away"

Cough! splutter!!yes! i was speechless..... 8O :banghead2: :banghead: :club:

Seems there was a final clause in the original job description (when I took up employment) that read something like :

"...and other duties as requested by the teacher or principal" :rules:

That pretty much covers everything

which is pretty much what we do.
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Role Description

Post by smeee »

Can anyone help please.....

As a follow on from the National Forum on Status of Lab Technicians...I need to find a role description from NSW DET schools.

Please PM or email me with details

Thanks :clap3:
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Re: Role Description

Post by Judy R »

There is an excellent description for Technicians and their jobs on the CLEAPSS site.This is in the UK however very pertinent to our job descriptions.
Go to
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Re: Role Description

Post by smeee »

Thanks Judy....but we are after the DET NSW role description so that in the end we will have a role description similar to CLEAPPS
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Re: Role Description

Post by Labbie »

Good luck, as each Principal starts here, I have given them my own duties. I have never seen it written down. I have merged these posts.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Job Description

Post by Labbie »

Their is a statement of duties on the PSA web site for all to see. But guess what no word of science in their that I could see. Then click on Schools on the left hand side.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Job Description

Post by Labbie »

See the PSA put out a statement yesterday. In their 28 Oct 2010 news letter.
School Administrative officer Recruitment & Transfer:
The Department prosposed that school administrative officer positions to be filled by service transfer or recruitment coulde be better matched and advertised to meet schools' needs. This could prevent school administrative officers being required to undertake specialist duties they did not feel capable of eg in Science Laboratories.
The Association agreed to discurss this issue during term 4 2010. end of quota

Could be very interesting???????????????? What are your views.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Job Description

Post by Narelle01 »

I agree that when advertising for a SAO - that the ad should state where the position is.
At the present, you see the ad, you contact the school to ask where the position is located, the school doesn't respond because often the contact person is the principal and they are too busy, you submit your application and wait and see.

Time wouldn't be wasted by both parties if the ad was for SAO - Library, SAO - Science for eg.

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Re: Job Description

Post by mazcheck »

" administrative officers being required to undertake specialist duties they did not feel capable of eg in Science Laboratories." I am one of those. I was working casually as a SAO when I was asked to work in the science/food tech area for 2 terms. Tentatively I agreed because I wanted regular work but I did feel out of my depth. When the job came up for advertisment, no mention was made of science not even during the interview. I applied for the job because I found that I was enjoying the work and the variety in my days. (I was successful in my application) It has been a steep learning curve for me as I have no training whatsoever in science other than C.S.I.S however I am feeling more and more comfortable and capable as I learn "on the job". I must say that "Chemtalk" is a resource I couldn't do without.
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Re: Job Description

Post by Labbie »

Hi Mazcheck, welcome to chemtalk, we are all here to help you, in any way we can. Some of us are :crazy: others like :coffee: we have a :cheesy: and joke at times. But we a human Science Tech's or managers. Welcome.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Job Description

Post by annettstanley »

I must say I am totally with mazcheck. I am new to the science area and also on a very big learning curve [-o< but with the help of chemtalk and a few very helpful local labbies that I know am becoming more confident everyday.

big :clap3: :clap3: :clap3: to all of you

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Re: Job Description

Post by lizzieb »

Welcome Mazcheck! It's good to have you 'on board'.

As Annett says, chemtalk's a fabulous learning tool, and maybe you too have a local network you can call on - if not, get one happening!
Many, if not most, of us in the DET system (certainly in the country areas) come to this job without prior training, and can often feel we've been thrown in the deep end. This website keeps me sane (we-ell, maybe might disagree :crazy:), knowing there's support any time I need it, and laughter to get through the rough days.

Enjoy the journey - one day soon you'll realise how comfortable you are with the job, and how much you actually do know!

Life keeps getting better every day!
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Re: Job Description

Post by General »

We have about 500 students in the 7-10 campus. Then there is the calls from the year 4-6 teachers who want to do something in our labs and need my help, not to mention the year 5s have a taster day which always includes science. Did I mention we have four feeder primary schools as well as our own and each gets a day. Then there is Science week. The primary campus wants in on that too. We have had building work down which gave us a third lab and no storage area. So workload increase and after 12 months am still trying to organise equipment storage. All that and I am still only working 0.52. I should take it as a compliment that they believe I can make it all work.
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Re: Job Description

Post by dss8386 »

I work at a school with approximately 750+ students and work 28 hours a week. I find it tough during the busy times of the year and sometimes have to come in on my da off (Wednesday) so I am not inundated with work on Thursday.I even have to come in school holidays to get those big jobs done that are otherwise impossible to do during the term. I have to say the school has been great and my boss wants me to work more hours but I guess ill have to wait for the year 7's to start in 2014/5.

I dont know how many hours I should be doing but given I am the only Labbie here, I should be full time. I come in on Thursday and sometimes can't believe how trashed the labs are. I have been told it is not in the budget for more hours. This position is from 10 years ago and the previous labbie refused to work 5 days a week.

JUst a quick note in regards to labbies not being important, we are getting new labs and they have drawn up plans for the new labs. Apparently they have made the prep room smaller then what I have now, less storage and NO office. They forgot my office and now have to take some space out of the labs. Another thing, they have put in a Chem store but are not going to put in my brand new flammables cupboard. They have told me that because the chem store in fire proof there is no need for a flammables cupboard.....what about the fumes, what about imcopatibles, if there are any fires, it will be like a chain reaction....I sometimes wonder if anyone really understands my job....obviosuly not
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