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potting mix

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 12:23
by lada
Just a question for all you labbies about use of potting mix. I was asked to supply some for growing seeds and at the last minute teacher change her mind, because of warning on packaging saying it can cause irritation, coughing or even legionnaire disease. Any thought on this??

Lada :coffee:

Re: potting mix

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 12:36
by Labbie
There was a issue in a high school near us last year. So now we do not open potting mix bags. They should be opened in the open air, not a closed room. We give the foam cup and the seed, and ask the student to plant it. They bring it back in a few weeks. Every one seems happy with this. Not too sure what the legal act is on this. But please be careful.

Re: potting mix

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 13:31
by Judy R
We give our girls masks(those white ones) and the potting mix must be moist so dust at a minimum and they do it outside.
It is not so much an issue with new bags of potting mix but if the bag has been opened then add water before using it.
Wear gloves as well.We have had no problems.

Re: potting mix

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 13:35
by RosalieM
I think that is the potting mix companies trying to cover their butts so they don't get sued. As far as I know, the chances are pretty small and if you use it in a well ventilated area it should be ok. Wear a dust mask if you are concerned. We did it last week testing 3 different potting mixes and no kids are sick this week from it.

Re: potting mix

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 14:38
by merilyn
I've probably mentioned elsewhere that I'm an ex-nursery person and never encountered anyone contracting any illness from the potting mixes (although we did have this weird apprentice :crazy: who claimed that the fungal spores she had breathed in had come out through her skin and caused this very strange looking rash that kept her off work for a week! Never got a doctor's certificate on that one, she had already exhausted her sick leave anyway.) There had been some cases of Legionaires disease amongst some home gardeners years ago, but I'm not sure if it was proven to be the potting mix.

After doing our risk assessment in the nursery we decided that the mix was okay to be handled if it was moist (ie no dust), and in that situation it was usually outside, although a few trays would be filled inside, but not very often. If the mix was dry, usually because the bag had already been opened, staff were asked to wear dust masks. So perhaps supply dust masks if you're really concerned (or check with the teacher to see if they're concerned) and you could either supply gloves to the students or, my preference, get them to wash their hands afterwards.

Just remember that potting mixes are prepared in very hygienic conditions and the students are at a greater risk of contracting something walking around the playground, or sitting in an air conditioned room (another cause of Legionaries outbreak a few years ago.)

Re: potting mix

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 16:57
by dolphinscales
We give the students gloves and masks to use - they should already be wearing saftey glasses. Also they use it is a well ventialated area if not outside (doors , windows open)
There are warnings on most bags of potting mix these days about such hazards - we choose to still use the product.

Re: potting mix

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, 09:29
by merilyn
I agree with reading the warning then making a sensible judgement. If we obeyed every warning that gets around now, we may not make it out of the house of a morning. I suppose the laws have swung so far to one side because of people (and employers) making some stupid decisions in the past. Here's to common sense!