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Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 13:39
by RosalieM
I am wondering if any of you out there who got shipping containers for storing stuff while refurbs were going on still have them and are looking to sell them, or if you can tell me where to purchase them? My husband and I are considering going around Australia next year and we thought maybe we could stick a shipping container in my sister's paddock instead of paying for a storage shed... Just hoping maybe someone could tell us where to get them second hand or if someone is struggling to sell one we could help out by buying it. Not if you are on the other side of the country of course!! I am in Tamworth, NSW.

Re: containers

Posted: 20 Feb 2012, 14:22
by CC
Hi Rosalie,
we hired ours. Try looking at that as an option or they might know where you can buy them.

Re: containers

Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 06:47
by Ian
Try Googling "Shipping Containers for sale" I came up with "Port Shipping Containers" who will deliver Australia wide and give a free on line quote.

Ian :)

Re: containers

Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 12:03
by Krysia Lee
HI Rosalie
If thats what you and your husband are considering I'd say stop considering and DO IT. We did in 2007. Husband, 3 kids and I went for 14 months and it was the best 14 months of our lives. We only had a very basic camper trailer, more like a tent really and I thought it may be tough, 5 of us in a tent for that long but it was great. When we came back the kids all wanted us to still share a bedroom, my husband and I were not so keen. Only regret was that we didn't do it sooner when the kids were younger. We home schooled, at that stage they were in years 9,7 & 2. Go, have fun.

Re: containers

Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 11:20
by RosalieM
Thanks everyone. Will look into both hiring and purchasing. I'm pretty sure I read on here it worked out cheaper for someone to buy then re-sell than it was to hire, but I guess selling may not be so easy! Krysia - we are pretty definite about going (before we start thinking about kids!). It just depends on a few other factors, but at this stage we are going!!! Only the two of us so a roof top tent is the plan. Glad you had such a wonderful experience! I know others who have taken kids and enrolled in a school of distance education/school of the air which made schooling fairly easy. Our current plan is to try to pick up work here and there along the way zig-zagging up the east coast through Queensland and across the territory then when we get to Broome we will decide if we've had enough, in which case we will come back through the deserts, or if we want to keep going we will zig-zag down the west coast, across the bottom and Tassie before coming back up the east coast.

Re: containers

Posted: 27 Feb 2012, 12:47
by lizzieb
Rosalie, I'm sure there are ads by firms that sell/hire containers placed regularly in our local paper.
The DEC upgrade provided them only for the duration of the project, as far as I know.
A friend here got one a few years ago - freshly painted, with wooden floor, shelving and fan installed.

Love the sound of your trip - maybe you could advertise as a 'Labbie Locum'...

Have fun planning!

Re: containers

Posted: 28 Feb 2012, 13:43
by kimmy
hi Rosalie we got ours for school and i got one for home from Dishers Transport in Tamworth - price and quality good.