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New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 12:52
by smiley
Hey guys,

Just found this stuff at a chemist:

It's crazy! It comes with a little square plastic magnet attached to the packaging. One is supposed to paint one's nails and then hold the little magnet over the wet polish and get a pattern appear as the magnetic particles are attracted to the little magnet, which has a design embedded into it. We played with it this morning, painting a microscope slide and then placing it over a variety of little magnets. I figure if we either got some tiny magnets from a toyshop, OR painted some onto a larger piece of OHP sheet perhaps, we could get some permanent magnetic fields. The hard part will be preventing the girls from painting their own nails with it! :crazy:

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 13:21
by nickykinz
How cool is that! I want some for myself, and I may get some for the school too. Was it from a chain of chemists?

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 14:12
by smiley
Well, Terry White's up here - but it was in the cheapo range. Only cost me $5.00!

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 17 Aug 2012, 14:48
by linotas
Love it! (so would me daughters....)

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 09:04
by sunray18
fantastic - thank you

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 10:46
by tigger
I actually bought some of this a few months ago for my daughter. It is amazing. You really have to apply a thick coat though for it to work properly. It looks fantastic once dry! :thumbup:

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:02
by kimmy
My daughter has this and she loves it - just got it from the local chemist.
Must say I did not even give it a thought for school.


Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 20 Aug 2012, 13:37
by smiley
Maybe I should have put this thread into "You know you're a Labbie when..." :w00t:

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 27 Aug 2012, 15:19
by Jen2
Can you tell me who makes this nail polish please? I havent been able to find it in the chemists over here in the west.

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 28 Aug 2012, 10:01
by smiley
The brand I bought was "Ulta3", which usually appears in those bins of make-up etc at chain chemists or make-up shops like Priceline. However, I hear that there are other brands as well. Maybe go into one of those places and ask. If you do a search for Magnetic Nail Polish, it's all over the net.

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 31 Aug 2012, 14:14
by nickykinz
Got my nail varnish yesterday. Very excited! I am struggling to get it to work every time though. Very embarrassing saying to my HOD "look how cool this is", take the magnet away and it looked exactly the same! #-o

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 31 Aug 2012, 15:14
by smiley
If you're using their magnets, it has to be ve-e-ery close, but not touching, and almost instantaneous.

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 09:24
by RosalieM

for those of you without access to this nail polish who would like to get it here is a deal that is only valid for a few days (it's one of those email ones you can sign up for). I have never purchased from the site though so I can't guarantee anything. Smiley said she only paid $5 for a bottle so I don't know where they get the $60 value for 5 bottles, but $24 is still a good price for 5. Anyway, check it out if you're interested (and if the link works). If it doesn't and you want to look send me a PM and I'll get back to you. I am going to try to get some for here.

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 09:31
by RosalieM
And while I'm on this subject, has anyone had success creating permanent magnetic fields using ohp sheets or microscope slides? I need to have a bit of proof that it's worth it to back up my request...

Re: New spin on Physics Phun - Magnetism

Posted: 18 Sep 2012, 10:09
by smiley
Yes! You have to be quick, but I've had success painting it on glass microscope slides. Paint the slide and quickly place it over a small magnet (toy shop size). Little ring shaped magnets work too.

And thanks, I signed up and purchased some more myself!