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Mini MSDS's!!

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:19
by judygee
Mother - was it you talking about mini MSDS's late last term? You were having a meeting with your OH & S rep about mid December and you implied that the use of the single page mini MSDS might be O.K. This is how we have been operating for some time and I would really like to know if we are doing the right thing? I worry about these things!!! An update would be appreciated. My apologies if I have the wrong person, hopefully the right one will reply! Cheers and welcome back for 2007. Judy.

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 13:52
by Mother
Hi Judy,Yes it was me!!! As of yet I have'nt been advised about the printing of the summary chemical sheets.However, I have been continuing to print summaries.We are being audited next week so I will find out what the departments ruling is.OH&S have been slacko to contacting me regarding the outcome of the meeting in early Dec.So I will continue what I am doing until I'm told otherwise.
Hope this gives you some satisfaction!!!
Take care

Mini MSDS's

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 16:45
by judygee
Thanks Mother, that makes me feel a lot better and I look forward to further developments, if any! Good luck with the audit! Cheers. Judy.

Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 15:39
by lainyv
I am only new to the forum but when I noticed your question I was curious. I do the Chemical OHS safety for both our campuses and teach the teachers about chemwatch as well as do the database. From our audit two years ago we were told that the mini msds are ok to have on hand to take into classes for teacher info. and quick looks at hazards but that we need to have the full msds on campus both at the place the chemical is stored and at the front office. Hope this doesn"t put you in a state of frenzy..if you have any ohs queries and I can help I would be glad to...lorraine

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 08:36
by Robb
Just to re-iterate with what Lorraine has mentioned regarding the mini MSDS's, and that it is imperative that the full MSDS's for ALL chemicals on site be collectively available in at least two locations.

Having the MSDS's located in two areas allows for access to the information supplied if one set can not be accessible.

The mini MSDS are fine for immediate use as the relevant information for any immediate problem can be quickly sought, but on a more time dependent problem, the Full MSDS's must still be accessed and referred to.

More relevant information to the uniqueness of a specific chemical can also be gathered.

In question, how many people have received a chemical that they have never been in contact before and have taken the time to read the MSDS to gather the basic information, for example: to gather the information regarding the physical properties of the chemical of interest?

Hi hope this has added to your questions regarding the MSDS,s questions.



Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 12:49
by louie
Hi All, I have a full set of MSDS for science on paper here in the prep room. As a whole our school provides all staff members with accesss to MSDS via the chemwatch site ie info can be accessed from any computer terminal . I think this equivalent to even more than 2 copies in the school-there's a copy wherever there is a computer you could say. What are your thoughts about the adequacey of this ? Louie :?