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Licenses for keeping frogs in QLD

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 12:50
by dss8386
Hi Labbies,

Does anyone know what the rules are for keeping frogs (native) in QLD?

I would like to have 1 or 2 frogs for educational purposes only, not to be dissected. I have been doing a bit of research and info is a bit conflicting.

We have set up a tank and a student brought in some Guppies and there happened to be a couple tadpoles in the water collected. It was collected from a students property. I have read that once they begin to change, you have 7 days to return to the original location (within 1km) where they were collected.

If you are to keep a frog, does it have to come from a licensed pet store or can I keep the tadpoles I have, as long as I have a permit?

Any info would be great.

When I worked in SA, we had a green-tree frog so I know of other schools that have frogs for educational purposes.


Re: Licenses for keeping frogs in QLD

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 07:16
by sunray18
I know you are serious Dave -- but ---
My cats have no problem with keeping frogs! They bring me one every night!
Very sweetly and nicely and they deposit it at my feet, I promptly take the poor thing back outside into the front garden.
I realised last night that this is the same frog! I recognised the lack of a front leg!
Am I perhaps not taking the hint - and my cats want me to keep it inside out of their way?

Re: Licenses for keeping frogs in QLD

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 08:52
by nickyw

Check out this link it has some good info on it.

Re: Licenses for keeping frogs in QLD

Posted: 21 Mar 2014, 09:11
by smiley
Why don't you check with Deb at the Frog Hospital? Seriously, she should know.