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Re: Iodine Classification

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 07:38
by sunray18
I was told it was illegal to display both the old system placards alongside the new system placards! I mean - how damn confusing .. and storing as per the old system makes much more sense than the new one..

Re: Iodine Classification

Posted: 12 Jun 2015, 09:03
by Merilyn1
From the bits and pieces I've read, we do not need to reorganise the chemical store. Storage and transport of chemicals still comes under the Dangerous Goods classification. But I agree, Sunray, I have read that you can't have both labels on a container which creates the problem of how do you know where to store them?

It really is an area that needs to be answered by people who get paid a whole lot more than we do! For now, everything is staying where it is and any labels I make I use the GHS label from Chemwatch (when I can find it! Yesterday I gave up looking for 0.1M NaOH, although I printed one last week so it is there somewhere!)

Re: Iodine Classification

Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 10:15
by Graham Kemp
Merilyn1 wrote:From the bits and pieces I've read, we do not need to reorganise the chemical store. Storage and transport of chemicals still comes under the Dangerous Goods classification. But I agree, Sunray, I have read that you can't have both labels on a container which creates the problem of how do you know where to store them?
Contrawise, in a recent Worksafe in-service we were instructed that Transport legislation is staying with current Dangerous Goods classifications and labelling, but Storage and Handling is to be moved over to GHS labels and Safety Data Sheets by 2016/7. So we have to reorganise where needed and every new chemical that arrives has to be relabelled and stored accordingly.

Because ...politics... apparently.

Re: Iodine Classification

Posted: 17 Jun 2015, 12:11
by Merilyn1
True, Graham. I just had a look at a recently produced SDS, so GHS-compliant, and Storage and Handling are grouped together and Transport is a separate item.
Good to see that you have had some training, I'm still waiting to hear what will be offered to us (apart from external training such as that offered by ASET etc).