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Agar Plates pricing for students

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 13:46
by trish armstrong
I was just wondering if anyone charges students for agar plates? For when they have to do an individual research project, not for normal class/teacher lesson.
This year I have had a few kids requesting these and with budget cuts just was wondering if other schools issue a fee for plates.
And if you do, How much per plate???? OR what do you think is a fair price??
Thanks in advance for feedback

Re: Agar Plates pricing for students

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 14:11
by fibreweb
Due to our severe budget constraints earlier this term I worked out how much Agar plates cost with the way I make them up.
We buy the plates in bulk cartoons of 500 plates and use a plain agar /nutrient agar mix.
This is my breakdown
Cost of Agar Plates
Each plate costs $0.16
Have to use 20 plates $ 3.20
Cost of Agar
Nutrient Agar $ 250/500gms - $0.50/gm
Plain Agar $ 125/500gms - $0.25/gm
We use a mix of 150gms Nutrient Agar/93gms Plain agar close enough to $100/243gms $0.40/g
15gms to 1 Litre $ 6.00/Litre
500mls/20 petri dishes
$ 3.00 for Agar for 20 dishes
Therefore about $ 6.20/20 dishes ie 30c each
Hope this helps, time is not factored in.

Re: Agar Plates pricing for students

Posted: 23 Feb 2016, 14:17
by rae
You didn't take into account the time it takes for you to make them surely that would add a significant amount.
I would charge $3. That sounds reasonable to me!

Re: Agar Plates pricing for students

Posted: 24 Feb 2016, 14:17
by Merilyn1
Seems fair to charge, as other students have to purchase equipment from outside of the school. Mind you, my finance lady would have a coronary if I sent her a trail of students to pay for things like this!