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sand & sawdust separation

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 15:51
by Ocean Breeze
A yr 8 fill-in lesson. Easiest way to separate sand & sawdust? Flotation?

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 16:40
by dolphinscales
That is what i would do - efficent and fast

Alterntave fill in

Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 07:57
by MichPull

Our year 8 fill in activity is seperating a mixture of Iron filings, sand and salt.

They use magnet for iron, add water to dissolve salt and filter sand then evaporate the water to get the salt.
Extention is to collect the water during evaporation (they have to ask me for a distilitation kit.)

Might be a good alternative.


Posted: 27 Mar 2007, 10:31
by Jen1
We do iron filings (magnetic removal), then students add water, and remove wood chips (floatation), sand (decantation), this may take a few washes with water to decant all the rest off, copper chloride (filtration), copper sulphate (evaporation),

Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 10:49
by Ocean Breeze
Great, thanks guys.

The teacher wanted to do the Fe filings/sand/salt prac with the juniors... but I wasnt comfortable with it, as it was the exact prac that our yr chems were doing for assessment the very next day. & I knew that there were some younger siblings in that junior class. So the idea was to pull the plug on their planned prac, & to throw in something different, but similar. Kind of making it up as we go along!!! :-)