Labelling for food tech

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Labelling for food tech

Post by RosalieL »

Hi, I know this isn’t science lab related but I know there are many labbies who do food tech as well.

What do you label everything with to keep items in the correct kitchen bays? We have a colour code system which I am redoing because some things have 3 or 4 different colours on them! Do you use nail polish? I was planning to get some cheap ones but I am now wondering if there is a better option out there… I am not sure what has been used in the past (It looks like nail polish to me but could be something different).

Thanks in advance! I hope you’ve all had a good holiday :)

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Re: Labelling for food tech

Post by Merilyn1 »

I remember the food tech assistant at another school bought sample pots of paint in different colours. I think where I am now, the F/T uses different coloured masking tape - which probably works well for utensils and things with handles, wouldn't work with bowls.
I did F/T for a bit over a year (it felt much longer) and from my experience, it wouldn't have mattered what I did, the kids never put stuff back. Even if I'd chained it to the cupboard they would have found a way to move it to the other side of the room! I was so glad to not have to do that job anymore.
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