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Excursion Hazards

Posted: 04 May 2007, 09:45
by smiley
We use the Westlab Microlife water test kits with out multistrand seniors (the ones not going for university entrance scores). While ordering refills, I was asked by the Westlab staffer (based in Victoria) how do we know if there are any crocodiles in the creeks before we let the kids conduct water testing? I replied that since we live in Cairns, there are crocodiles in almost all of the creeks. "So what do you do then?" "Well, we just throw one of the naughty kids in first, and if they don't come up again, then we know a crocodile is there!" The things you get asked! :roll:

Posted: 04 May 2007, 10:28
by J
Can we add some of our rogue teenagers to your list of crocodile testers? We don't have any crocs here. Maybe we could import some. :lol: :oops:

Posted: 04 May 2007, 12:43
by nickyw
Hi Kristin,

What a great idea! Townsville too has its fair share of crocodiles and our school is right next to a creek/river. I wonder if anyone will miss the little darlings.

Have a good long weekend.

Cheers Nicky 8-)

Posted: 07 May 2007, 07:59
by Slartibartfast
I have a 6 foot saltwater tank here in one of my labs, could you post one that would fit, down to the NSW Central Coast? I'd have the bugger fattened up in no time. Just bung a stamp on him and a warning arrow pointing to his front bitey section marked "caution" and pop him in the nearest post box. The welfare officer would be impressed!!
