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Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 12:16
by lada
I will be taking LSL in term 2 (lucky me :cheesy: :thumbup: \:D/ )
Do you know anybody who could work on Northen beaches, overlooking Long Reef for the term 2 ? Hours are 8am to 4pm


Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 12:31
by Sassi
Lada! When did you decide to do that, you havent told us yet... Is it cause you are going to Check??? I drove the car to work today, its soooo smooth! Did you speak to Luke? Nicole wants to do birthday candles on friday, so i said we could move chrissy dinner to sat if it suits you, otherwise Nicole can come later. I just got told I need to leave early cause i work too much... Fine by me :D

Luv S


Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 14:04
by Ian
Hi Lada,
Remember me? We met at an OHS course a few weeks ago. I would LOVE to work overlooking the Northern beaches, but it is probably a bit far to commute from the "Southern Highlands". (Buxton/Tahmoor) I am due for LSL next year, but have not been game to ask for it yet for fear of not being able to find someone to fill in for me (and fear that if they DO find the person, they might do the job TOO well and they might not take me back after the LSL!!)

How about you come here and do my job for 10 1/2 weeks and I will go there and do yours? They reckon that "A change is as good as a holiday"

Happy Christmas

Ian :D


Posted: 11 Dec 2007, 14:20
by lada
Hi Ian, certainly I remember you. And the answer is NO. Since I have never had LSL, this is my one and only chance. I wanted only one month ( I am going back to my old country Czech Rep), but the school is asking me to take the whole term (9weeks), so I will relax for the first 4 weeks here in Sydney and PARTY for the next 4 weeks with my old girlfriends back there, so watch out, here we come.
In my previous jobs, my longest time of employment was 7 years( first time to have children) and those good old days we did not have maternity leave., and the second time to move to Sydney and that job lasted 7 years. So now I am at this school almost 10 years. I used to work in industry as an industrial chemist, and only the last job is at school, and I love it.
Enjoy your xmas break :coffee:


Posted: 12 Dec 2007, 06:36
by Slartibartfast
Guys!!!! Long service leave is yours to take if and when you decide. I can take 15 minutes a day if I wanted too and the school despite what they thought of it have no say in it. The school cannot insist you take time away other than what you have stated and want. It's up to them to find a suitable replacement for your time away. Remember a school is literally a branch office - NOT your employer and Lada, they cannot insist you take a whole term off if you don't want to whether you are in a state or private school. What are their reasons for the request? Friend of the SAM looking for a job possibly? What are you going to do when you want LSL again and find you may not have the time available to you? I've been in now over 14 years and no - one will tell me how to use my entitlements.


Posted: 12 Dec 2007, 07:02
by Labbie
Well done Richard, I learn more and more as each day goes by. It may not always be in Science, but rights at work. What a big help this site has turned out to be.

From what I do understand, if we SAO's take 9 days off, no one will replace us, but if we take 11 days or more off. If they can find someone, they will replace us. Am I correct so far?


Posted: 12 Dec 2007, 07:24
by Slartibartfast
No, if it's 9 days or less the school foots the bill for your replacement, 11 days or more the department does it. But 9 times out of 10 the office will use that allocation and not replace you in Science! Great eh! That's what happened to me until I got district office to right it. Problem sorted and no mountain of work awaiting my return off my well earned LSL. I was asked to take more days than I requested and I asked them to get stuffed. I fully intend taking further leave for what I want to do with it, not some SAM who want's additional help in the office.


Posted: 12 Dec 2007, 07:49
by cactus155
In Tasmania, the least amount of LSL you can is 5 working days and you can take all of it in one go if you wish, still about 5 years away for me though even though I have been working on and off for the Education Department since 1997, most of that was relief/casual and didn't accumulate LSL or the breaks between employment was just enough for accumulated LSL to be voided.


Posted: 14 Dec 2007, 07:05
by coxy
In 2006 I took 4 days LSL before the September break and 3 days after - for an overseas holiday. Nobody can tell us when, where or how we take our LSL. You can just take one day if you want. However, any time I want leave, I contact a woman who is happy to work in Science. My teachers want someone here whenever I am away, so unless it is a flexiday or study leave, I am always replaced. This lady does not want permanent/full time work, so I don't have the added stress that she might be after my job!!


Posted: 14 Dec 2007, 08:51
by Slartibartfast
What Coxy has is ideal for forcing the school to replace you for ANY time away. They feel obligated to keep Science staffed instead of pinching the hours to put 'someone' in the office for their benefit. If you have the same person available for 1 day or a week or two from time to time, that person knows the area and can step straight in without the admin staff looking around each time for your replacement. Little or no effort for them is good news for you and your faculty.


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 08:52
by lada
After hearing all your comments, I approached my principal about taking only 1 month. After weeks of waiting for answer, it was finally decided I can take 2 weeks, because in this case they will not replace me. 2 weeks suits me, because I will have 8 weeks left for next year, when my hubbie will get his LSL
So thanks a lot for your imput, I would not have done anything about it and taken their word for it. i am flying only 2weeks before school holi, so this suits me.We have 3 weeks holidays after that5 weeks in Europe, cannot wait.
\:D/ :coffee: lada


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 09:58
by Labbie
Have a really lovely holiday, which part of Europe are you going too????????????


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 10:38
by lada
I am from Czech rep, so I will fly to Vienna, take a train through to Praque, have a week there, take a train back to Moravia(Brno where the grand prix is held), then on to Tatra in Slovakia, to Bratislava and back to Vienna for 3 days.This will take 5 weeks, good hah?
Pommy, do you have an art teacher called janette Pavlik? She is my niece in law. \:D/ \:D/


Posted: 18 Mar 2008, 11:33
by Lis
Hi Lada,

I hope you have the most fantastic time,

Cheers Lisa


Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 08:36
by Ian
Sounds lovely Lada. Be sure to post some Photos on an Internet site somewhere that we can all access!
My Sister spent 6 months in Europe and used "Picasa Web Album" (through Google) to give us all access to her photos.
All the best


Posted: 19 Mar 2008, 16:59
by coxy
Well, they don't know it yet, officially, but I am taking 20 days prior to the September school holidays, and flying to San Francisco, collecting my hire car, and travelling up through Oregon,Washington,British Columbia and Yukon to get to Alaska - I love to drive!! My Mum and I are going for 5-6 weeks. Am so excited already. That's what LSL is all about, isn't it??


Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 07:34
by lada
I will be back slaving away, as you having the time of your life.
You will have a ball. Have you been to San Francisco before?
I have on my "bucket list" to visit Alaska and hopefully do a cruise.
I will let you know my experiences of Europe, before you jet off to your destination
have a nice Easter :coffee:


Posted: 20 Mar 2008, 10:01
by Jen1
My long service leave is due now and I am using two days at the beginning of term 2 as I am taking my daughters to melbourne in the school holidays and couldn't get cheap flights back before term started. We are getting very excited and have already got our tickets to the anzac day football match (go pies!!! \:D/ ). It's certainly great to be able to use lsl whenever I want and no you don't have to take it all at once!
... I'm also going back to melbourne last weekend in may with a bunch of friends to see Collingwood demolish the Eagles and again using two days of lsl. =D>
.......... and before anyone asks, yes I am a victorian but have lived in this wonderful place, WA, since I was 20 (travelling round Oz, landed here, and still here over 20 years later :D )


Posted: 10 Apr 2008, 14:33
by coxy
Thanks Lada,
Yes I have been to San Francisco before, twice, and Canada. I always told my daughters that if I had visited British Columbia and Alberta BEFORE they were born, they would both be Canadian. It is really the most beautiful place I have visited (not that I have been too many places). I do love San Fran as well. Great fun, and atmosphere. Very like Sydney - which I also love.