Search found 503 matches
- 19 Feb 2024, 09:09
- Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
- Topic: CuSO4
- Replies: 19
- Views: 15868
Re: CuSO4
Hi smcm13, Can I assume that you are starting of with Copper Sulfate (pentahydrate) crystals? (the pretty blue ones), with a molecular weight of 249.68 grams per mole? (generally written on the contaner). To make a 1M solution of Copper Sulfate, you put 249.68 grams of blue crystals into a 1000mL be...
- 04 Mar 2022, 10:27
- Forum: Recipes and Pracs
- Topic: Osmosis and diffusion
- Replies: 29
- Views: 25108
Re: Osmosis and diffusion
Teachers will often ask for Potassium Iodide solution (KI) when what they really mean is Iodine Solution (I/KI) or sometimes called Lugol's Iodine Solution. Yes, KI is a perfectly clear liquid and will NOT do what they want (ie, turn starch black/purple) but it is necessary to make the iodine dissol...
- 23 Oct 2020, 08:15
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: Disposal of KSCN and CoCl2?
- Replies: 10
- Views: 10866
Disposal of KSCN and CoCl2?
I have a large beaker of Potassium thiocyanate solution and a large beaker of cobalt chloride solution to dispose of. CSIS says to tip them down the sink, but ChemWatch says they are extremely dangerous to aquatic organisms and should NOT be put into the drains or sewer system. How do people get rid...
- 27 Sep 2019, 11:17
- Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
- Topic: Safe moving of Chemicals?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 8163
Re: Safe moving of Chemicals?
Hi Labbie, The distance is only a couple of hundred metres. If they asked me to do it, I would probably use my large trolley with a number of plastic storage boxes to keep everything together. The school ute would be a possibility, but then they would have to be trolleyed to the ute anyway. We used ...
- 26 Sep 2019, 22:34
- Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
- Topic: Safe moving of Chemicals?
- Replies: 7
- Views: 8163
Safe moving of Chemicals?
I have posted this on the Labbies FB group, but just in case there are folk here who are not on the FB Group, I will repeat the message here. Sorry if you get it twice OK, Brains Trust. I need some information (again) We are building a NEW SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY/STEM CENTRE. (Good!) But to so so, they a...
- 04 Jul 2019, 21:57
- Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
- Topic: water bath
- Replies: 9
- Views: 9584
Re: water bath
I am probably a bit late jumping on the boat here, but I need some help with my Nanoheat hotplate. I have never had an instructions book, as the afternoon that I first got it (several years ago now!) the cleaners tossed out the instruction book before I had a chance to read it!! I used to be able to...
- 21 Jun 2019, 10:03
- Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
- Topic: Safety Shower testing
- Replies: 34
- Views: 29273
Re: Safety Shower testing
Merilyn! You are back!! Good to hear from you.
- 23 May 2019, 08:45
- Forum: Forum Support Desk
- Topic: Help for Merilyn!
- Replies: 5
- Views: 14041
Help for Merilyn!
Hi all, Can anybody help Merilyn Harris. She has lost her password for Chemtalk and so can not log on. She has attempted to contact the administrators several times but had no reply. She has always been a very valuable contributor to this group and it would be a shame to lose her. Is there any way t...
- 14 Mar 2019, 11:22
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: Disposal of Copper Carbonate?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 9338
Disposal of Copper Carbonate?
Hi All,
I'm having trouble with FaceBook, so I have come back home to here!
Can somebody remind me, what is the correct way to dispose of used Copper Carbonate these days?
I'm having trouble with FaceBook, so I have come back home to here!
Can somebody remind me, what is the correct way to dispose of used Copper Carbonate these days?
- 19 Oct 2018, 08:43
- Forum: Recipes and Pracs
- Topic: Reversible Reactions Prac?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 9271
Re: Reversible Reactions Prac?
Just checking with the teacher..... they want to use pry powder. 1 Heat it to drive off the moisture and note the colour change, then 2. add Conc HCL to absorb the moisture and ethanol to NOT drive off the water, and note the colour change. So, it is the solid she wanted to use. I think it will just...
- 18 Oct 2018, 14:20
- Forum: Recipes and Pracs
- Topic: Reversible Reactions Prac?
- Replies: 12
- Views: 9271
Reversible Reactions Prac?
I have posted this on the FB page, but thought I would repost here, just in case there was people who would see it here, but not there. Please forgive me if you get it twice! Another question for the Brains Trust... My Chem Teacher wants to do a prac for "Reversible Reactions" for our Yr 1...
- 28 Sep 2018, 22:31
- Forum: Announcements
- Topic: Welcome back everyone to chemtalk
- Replies: 26
- Views: 28367
Re: Welcome back everyone to chemtalk
It is good to be back. Thanks Westlab!
- 14 Jun 2018, 22:32
- Forum: Recipes and Pracs
- Topic: Iron Thiocyanate Equilibrium
- Replies: 6
- Views: 6151
Re: Iron Thiocyanate Equilibrium
Drop some tin into some hydrochloric acid? It might be a bit slow, but it would get you some Tin Chloride.
What is the prac?
What is the prac?
- 04 Jun 2018, 09:04
- Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
- Topic: Tax Return Claim 2018
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10633
Re: Tax Return Claim 2018
It would be OK if they paid you for both jobs!

- 01 Jun 2018, 13:45
- Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
- Topic: Tax Return Claim 2018
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10633
Re: Tax Return Claim 2018
My tax agent stopped claiming my work shoes when I went from steel capped shoes to orthotics! I'll back you there, Merilyn.
Hey, Merilyn, you should change your profile settings. You are still showing as working at OPAC.
Hey, Merilyn, you should change your profile settings. You are still showing as working at OPAC.
- 24 May 2018, 07:01
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10870
Re: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
Thanks again Lyn. I found it!
- 23 May 2018, 19:26
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10870
Re: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
Thanks Lyn.
We don't have Pearson Science at out school, but my daughter has access through her school to the on-line versions. do you know what chapter sections I would find those pracs in?
We don't have Pearson Science at out school, but my daughter has access through her school to the on-line versions. do you know what chapter sections I would find those pracs in?
- 23 May 2018, 12:46
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10870
Re: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
Thanks, All for all the feed back. I have made up a batch of 0.003M Pb(No3)2 for the teacher who wanted it, and have diluted all my dropper bottles of 0.1M down to 0.003M and re-labeled them. She is actually doing a Conservation of Mass experiment from "Science by Doing" resource. I end up...
- 22 May 2018, 21:40
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10870
Re: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Labbie. I guess, my concern is that they keep changing the rules! I don't want to be guilty of telling people the wrong thing, but there is a lot of "Hearsay" that may make sense, but if it is different from what "has always been done" then peo...
- 22 May 2018, 15:16
- Forum: Safety with Chemicals
- Topic: PbNO3 + KI experiment?
- Replies: 11
- Views: 10870
PbNO3 + KI experiment?
Hello again "Brains Trust" In the back of my mind, I half remember being told earlier this year that we are no longer allowed to do the Potassium Iodide plus Lead Nitrate to produce Lead Iodide precipitate experiment. Is this actually the case, or did I imagine it? Risk Assess does not see...