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by Slartibartfast
13 Feb 2010, 07:31
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: supplying own paper towel
Replies: 22
Views: 9192

Re: supplying own paper towel

Hot air hand dryers = NOISE + they don't mop up spills or clean windows/glassware and are no use whatsoever in the event of a sneeze! Drying hands is only one thing we use paper towel for. For those that asked... I'm still very much employed by the Dept of Primary Industries in Qld as a field resear...
by Slartibartfast
11 Feb 2010, 06:07
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: supplying own paper towel
Replies: 22
Views: 9192

Re: supplying own paper towel

Deputy's are just teachers with an allocated parking spot. You cannot reason with any of them as they are different to humans - I know, I'm related to one and when I try to talk to him about 'normal' things (e.g. Topgear/women/beer etc.).......well, the lights are on but no one is home! Let your dep...
by Slartibartfast
08 Feb 2010, 06:08
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: OOpppssss
Replies: 15
Views: 6226

Re: OOpppssss

Eh? Narelle, why's it partly your fault? Your only going on the info your given by your teaching staff - if they can't be bothered to let you know, don't bother to apologise! Your too busy to faff about chasing them up - they should be in the routine of letting you know. I've done exactly what you h...
by Slartibartfast
26 Nov 2009, 09:26
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: textbook trolleys
Replies: 5
Views: 2775

Re: textbook trolleys

We just used sturdy and strong milk crates - in class sets coloured to the lab/s they belong to carried in on normal lab trollies. They are heavy though so be mindful - industrial law states you female labbies you are not to lift or carry over 15kg = approx. to a 5 ream box of A4 paper.
by Slartibartfast
26 Nov 2009, 09:18
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: Inflatable models
Replies: 2
Views: 2128

Re: Inflatable models

Er, we bought a mate of mine (a Kiwi) an inflatable sheep for his 21st birthday a few years back - it was called a "love Ewe!"

No I'm not kidding, I wish I was as it cost heaps. I didn't see the octopus. That would have been just too weird.
by Slartibartfast
24 Nov 2009, 07:02
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: Rusty Tripods
Replies: 8
Views: 4254

Re: Rusty Tripods

Rust won't affect their use. If it troubles you, you can purchase a spraycan of heat proof paint (used in the automotive industry) from Supercheap Auto or other and treat with this after first removing the rust with a wire brush or chemical rust remover. Heat them up with a bunsen in the fume cupboa...
by Slartibartfast
28 Oct 2009, 11:24
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Electrical Safety Picture
Replies: 11
Views: 5210

Re: Electrical Safety Picture

More for you of an electrical theme (except for the middle pic which is just plain lunacy and had to be included!)
by Slartibartfast
28 Oct 2009, 11:12
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Mercury Spill
Replies: 23
Views: 10131

Re: Mercury Spill

Quicksilver in a NSW school? Never!!!
by Slartibartfast
09 Jul 2009, 10:39
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Re: Update from Slarti McBartfast

Doctor Robb!! Me old chestnut!! CONGRATS on making deputy with the RFS!! Well earned if you ask me. Bout time an'all!!! You've only been in it since you were 6! Hope you have an awesome birthday mate with your wife and son (and any others I haven't heard about) and hope you don't drink not enough. P...
by Slartibartfast
25 Jun 2009, 12:16
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Re: Update from Slarti McBartfast

"SLARTI!!! I hope you were referring to the Ducati, NOT the Nephew!" You know me Sassi, of course I was referring to him but don't worry, he's built like a very solid wombat. In the labs today - been staring at bovine digestive bacteria for what seems like hours now. What time does the pu...
by Slartibartfast
22 Jun 2009, 10:21
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Re: Update from Slarti McBartfast

Just wondering... do all the Ducatis fit in the shed now or are they still in the lounge and kitchen? Ha! Why would I want to keep them in the shed? No, I have 5 indoors here but most are still (very tightly) locked away with my Mini Cooper S in NSW - but not for much longer as they are being shipp...
by Slartibartfast
16 Jun 2009, 11:31
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Re: Update from Slarti McBartfast

Hi Richard, I've noticed you're still posting from Henry Kendall. I thought you would be up North by now. Are you still moving, or have your plans changed? Maybe the floods put everything on hold. I think I asked in a forum somewhere, if you are going to be a labbie again, or are you trying somethi...
by Slartibartfast
28 May 2009, 11:28
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Evacuation drills
Replies: 17
Views: 7421

Re: Evacuation drills

We do the same as above, everyone has a job to do but it usually ends up with everybody (including the staff) running from the buildings screaming then up over the fences into the countryside.
by Slartibartfast
11 May 2009, 15:25
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: Fake "poo" recipe?
Replies: 17
Views: 15293

Re: Fake "poo" recipe?

What about chocolate Mousse?
by Slartibartfast
05 May 2009, 14:16
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Re: Update from Slarti McBartfast

I'm moving to Yamanto on the 1/6/09 - will be centrally based in Ipswich but in an area that covers Gatton, Toowoomba, Esk, Warwick etc! I can't wait. The roads up there are a major reason for picking to move there - Top bike country (and I'm seeing a blonde bombshell that's in the RAAF :wub: That a...
by Slartibartfast
04 May 2009, 13:39
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Update from Slarti McBartfast
Replies: 29
Views: 12642

Update from Slarti McBartfast

As Robb would say G'day all! Just logged on to find I've been made an honorary member - in green too! I'm glad to find a few have left me well behind in the posting stakes also, blimey I must have ranted on a bit to log that many! Over the school holidays I stayed with family in Ipswich Qld. and bus...
by Slartibartfast
09 Feb 2009, 09:35
Forum: Announcements
Topic: This awful weekend
Replies: 16
Views: 6622

Re: This awful weekend

Our thoughts and prayers are with our mates down south, stay safe guys, PLEASE!
by Slartibartfast
02 Feb 2009, 11:07
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: And just like that, it is all over...
Replies: 35
Views: 13002

Re: And just like that, it is all over...

Now then liz, it wouldn't be moral officer would it? I have none!


My bike is a lot worse than I am, no need to kill the bloke Sassi, I put the fear of God into him and almost bled all over him.

This wouldn't have happened if I was still a Labbie!!!!
by Slartibartfast
02 Feb 2009, 07:26
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: And just like that, it is all over...
Replies: 35
Views: 13002

Re: And just like that, it is all over...

A blonde joke to start the year? I'll get lynched!!! :w00t: I can take the cake with a bad start to the year (and new surroundings!) On Australia day I was wiped our by a man in a 4WD while I was on my way home from Woy Woy on my push bike. Spent the night in agony. Turned up to school day 1 concuss...
by Slartibartfast
12 Dec 2008, 07:19
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on
Replies: 104
Views: 38164

Re: Upgrading of 800 science laboratories (NSW public schools on

Get your SAM to do their job and allocate another SAO to help you clear out equipment - you don't need to do it all yourself.

If not, teachers and students - they won't be doing much else in the last week of term and you can take a lot of the effort and stress out of the job ahead!