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by smiley
04 Nov 2015, 08:51
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: setting / mounting agent for very small bones
Replies: 6
Views: 4789

Re: setting / mounting agent for very small bones

Not really. We just did the Owl Pellet prac here, and kids glued them onto black card using PVA glue. We only kept one or two of the good ones.
by smiley
04 Nov 2015, 08:49
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: flame test in spray bottles??
Replies: 28
Views: 26540

Re: flame test in spray bottles??

I use the coke bottle rig that Ocker posted years ago, and it's still the best way to see flame tests.
by smiley
15 Sep 2015, 15:42
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: Risk Assess and labels
Replies: 22
Views: 11741

Re: Risk Assess and labels

Yep. Got that news today from RiskAssess, so many hoorays for that. :thumbup:
by smiley
15 Sep 2015, 15:41
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: Talc
Replies: 21
Views: 11627

Re: Talc

In my year of nothing-to-do - aka Chemotherapy year - lots and lots came across my email. Basically, talcum powders are supposed to be asbestos free, as from 1973 or some such date. I guess there could be some concern with cheapo overseas produced ones. Talc the rock occurs naturally with asbestos, ...
by smiley
10 Sep 2015, 11:51
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Bucket chemistry
Replies: 9
Views: 5528

Re: Bucket chemistry

I have a teacher who just blindly copies out whatever is in the book. So I have been asked in the past for 30 x 250mL beakers, with 5cm strips of zinc to go in each, followed by 100 - 150mL of HCl. Nope! Not doing it. We went test tubes and tiny strips of zinc. So, yeah, there are quite a few "...
by smiley
08 Sep 2015, 11:58
Forum: Biology, Physics...
Topic: Animals in schools
Replies: 13
Views: 8726

Re: Animals in schools

Well we have geckos, but since they come and go as they please, I guess they don't count. :w00t:
by smiley
31 Aug 2015, 14:34
Forum: Biology, Physics...
Topic: Unexpected results - gotta love Biology
Replies: 3
Views: 3593

Unexpected results - gotta love Biology

Our little tinies - aka Yr7's - did an experiment over the weekend. Pretty standard stuff: Elodia in flasks - one in the dark, one in the sun with no extra CO2, one in the sun with CO2 blown into the water, and test tubes to collect the (hopefully) O2 generated. All good so far. Today a little cheru...
by smiley
31 Aug 2015, 12:59
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Sodium thiosulfate
Replies: 12
Views: 11238

Re: Sodium thiosulfate

Cool! Never paid attention to that before. I'm getting it! :thumbup:
by smiley
31 Aug 2015, 12:02
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Sodium thiosulfate
Replies: 12
Views: 11238

Re: Sodium thiosulfate

What app?
by smiley
24 Aug 2015, 15:13
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: weirdest things
Replies: 49
Views: 32536

Re: weirdest things

I know right?

Some days I wash up, and wipe benches, and some days I'm Super-Scientist. :thumbup:
by smiley
24 Aug 2015, 14:31
Forum: Miscellaneous
Topic: weirdest things
Replies: 49
Views: 32536

Re: weirdest things

You know those Lab Tech instructions that begin with ....Simply blah blah blah. Well I had to "simply" get some marsupial hair, to make a cross-section slide. This shows that marsupial hair has a figure 8 kind of a cross section, whereas all mammals - humans, dogs, cats, cows etc - have an...
by smiley
27 Jul 2015, 15:30
Forum: Recipes and Pracs
Topic: Which plant is best to use?
Replies: 8
Views: 5283

Re: Which plant is best to use?

We use hibiscus bushes in the garden. That way later we can then compare the variegated leaves v the all green leaves as well.
by smiley
27 Jul 2015, 15:27
Forum: Chemistry and Labware - General
Topic: Gas collection tubes or eudiometers
Replies: 0
Views: 2662

Gas collection tubes or eudiometers

Hey guys, I have a question about graduated glass gas collection tubes - not gas jars but those things like long skinny test tubes with graduations on the side. They all seem to have a "header" space at the top. If we're using them for a stoichiometry experiment, then how do we take into a...
by smiley
16 Jun 2015, 08:14
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: Good quality burettes
Replies: 9
Views: 6336

Re: Good quality burettes

Should have a tiny O-ring at the top of the tip, where it goes inside the orange holder bizzo.

If not, give them a call. I bought a few extra tips last time I bought burettes, as part of the Irish solution, You know - to be sure, to be sure! :w00t:
by smiley
12 Jun 2015, 13:59
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: lead iodide and lead Nitrate.
Replies: 5
Views: 4475

Re: lead iodide and lead Nitrate.

Same reply. No. Pick another reaction. Or do it in micro test tubes and measure the height of the precipitate and make "relative" statements, rather than quantitative ones. Well..they are quantitative this way, just differently quantitative. Try this one instead:
by smiley
11 Jun 2015, 14:47
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: lead iodide and lead Nitrate.
Replies: 5
Views: 4475

Re: lead iodide and lead Nitrate.

Bucket Chemistry! Gotta love it. There's another one somewhere where they ask us to give a kid 3 beakers with 100mLs of HCl in each, and then hand out 5cm strips off Zn, Mg and Cu! Yay! Talk about pop test! Blow the windows out on a good day, I'd think. 8O In short - I said NO. :mad: I handed out mi...
by smiley
11 Jun 2015, 14:36
Forum: Safety with Chemicals
Topic: Iodine Classification
Replies: 23
Views: 10785

Re: Iodine Classification

Ya jes gots ta kno aahm not re-ogranisin' mah storeroom! Gosh darn it. Enough work as it is!
by smiley
05 Jun 2015, 14:51
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Pasteur Experiment
Replies: 19
Views: 17913

Re: Pasteur Experiment

Come on then! 27 degrees here, as I type this.

Mind you no-one is going to the beach just yet. Too many stingers still, with all this rain. 8O
by smiley
05 Jun 2015, 13:42
Forum: Sourcing Materials & Eq Repairs
Topic: Good quality burettes
Replies: 9
Views: 6336

Re: Good quality burettes

I buy Westlab, with removable/replaceable tips. Fantastic. :thumbup:
by smiley
04 Jun 2015, 11:36
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Pasteur Experiment
Replies: 19
Views: 17913

Re: Pasteur Experiment

Send your broth on a holiday to Cairns? :cheesy: