Notice for lab requests

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Notice for lab requests

Post by Anastasia »

Hi All,

I was just wondering how much notice you insist on being given for lab requests by the teachers? I often get given half a days notice even for pracs requiring the preparation of chemicals and hate feeling rushed. Do I refuse to prepare these??

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Post by Kath »

Hi Anastasia,
My teachers give me at least 24 hours notice. (most of the time)
Therefore I am able to work one day ahead which is great.
My teachers are very obliging and this system works well for all concerned.
ie: The teachers receive a well prepared practical lesson because I am not rushed and I have the time to spend on each prac.
Hope this helps
Cheers Kath
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Post by nickyw »

Hi Anastasia

I have 48 hours notice as I have only been doing this job for 6 months. Most of the time the teachers give me plenty of time to make up pracs. Sometimes I get half days notice; if its an easy prac to set up ie. no solutions to make up then I will happily do it. My teachers are great and they dont put any pressure on me (well sometimes, but they understand if it cant be done).

Its up to you whether you do the pracs or not depends how busy you are at the time.

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Post by PolyEster »

Hi Anastasia

My general rule of thumb is 24 hours notice with a give and take attitude to urgent or sudden changes. But also the time taken to get a prac ready needs to be taken into consideration.

Gayle PolyE
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Post by Voice »

Dear Anastasia,

Your staff will only get the best out of you by being well prepared themselves. They need to give you 2 days notice so that chemicals can be prepared, equipment checked and any articles that need purchasing through the local shops can be done so. You should not be rushed to complete your work; that makes for a dangerous situation.
Do you complete Risk Assessment Sheets for each practical, or do the staff?
If the staff do so, ask to see these sheets when they ask for the prac. If you complete these sheets, preparing these alone can take up to three hours, depending on the number of chemicals used.
The more time given to you to prepare practicals, the better the result for you, the staff and the students.
This does not mean that I cannot adapt when needed, but time is your enemy, you need to make it your friend. The science staff need to give you time.
By giving time, my staff get chemicals and equipment, risk assessment sheets and a printed copy of all chemicals and equipment on the trolley.
This is a standard I am still trying to improve on.
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Post by KimFenley »


I have a request form which I make all teacher use. If I don't get at least 24 Hrs they get northing unless they get it them selves. This has stood me in good stead particularly when there are 4 classes on at a time for the same year. In which case it's first in first gets equipment when there is not enough available.

You have to make rules and keep to them or it all falls apart.

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Post by KimFenley »


If it's something special or requires a lot of time to set up I them require 2 days. This generally pertains to years 11/12.

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Post by kimm »

Anastasia - I have been here 8 yrs now - and i have worked out a "my way or the hiway" attitude. Teachers are well trained to give me at the minimum 2 days notice - if it is for that day, they know it is going to cost them a bottle of wine. so then i don't mind. It is my standard fee!
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Set up YOUR System

Post by MichPull »

Hello Anastasia,

When I started I was the first laboratory assistant at this school.
I have been here 4 year now and am still training the teachers.
I have a one day notice rule for common pracs and demos, two weeks to a month for dissections and as much time as they can for new complex experiements.
You need to decide how you want to organise you request system, I have a daily sheet on my desk devided into lessons for each room for the day, and then sit down with your HOD, explain the why of the system, eg planning and saftey, using lots of phrases like 'enable me to perform my work effectiently' etc.
Once you have your HOD on side then explain the system to the teachers and stick to it. If you have a teacher regularry not giving you enough notice tell you HOD, that is their responsibility.

As all the responses have stated, you need to take control of the situation and do not let the teachers bullie you.

Good Luck
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Post by Nikki »

Hi all

I am particularly lucky in that I only have one class of each year at my school. But in addition to this the science teachers runs 4 -5 different topics in the year 10 class and I only work 11.25 hours a week. (I have just had my allocation cut by 6 hours).

The other reason that I am lucky is that my techer is so organised that she gives me the term planner for work so I can source any items required (this is fairly essential as we a re in a remote area and it can takes weeks to get some things) It also means that I can prepare the basics requirements in advance and then just complete what is required for the prac closer to when it is due.

There are the odd occaision when she wants to do something at short notice and as she is so well organised it usually puts no pressure on me to get it.

This is a case of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

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Post by Anastasia »

Thank you to all for your replies. I think I will definitely need to be more assertive in my dealings with the teachers and insist on 24 hours notice.
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