lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

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lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by General »

We are having some work done in our two labs and my prep room. The architects, in all their wisdom ( she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm) have decided to put a thoroughfare straight through my chem preparation area. The chem store room will be on one side and the fume cupboard on the other (yes ladies and gentlemen, you will have to stand in the thoroughfare to use the fumecupboard). Have documented the fact that this will violate at leas one NOHSC National code of practice, and part of the AS2243. Also that the architects are in violation of section 28 in the 2004 OHS Act. My question is, are these things just guidelines which the architects can legally ignore ( as they have been), or are they and the school legally obliged to follow them. I dont want a thoroughfare through my chem prep area, in fact the very thought is actually a bit scary. Have been trying to put a stop to it since June but have basically been patted on the head and told to run along and not worry myself about it. I want to know where I stand legally so I know what to do next. We have to be out of the labs next week so time is of the essence. Please, please, please can someone help me.


PS It is pretty much my fight as our Head of Science started in July, is the second HoS for us this year, we didn't have a HoS at all during the last term last year, and our OHS officer has had the job for a couple of weeks, and it is the first time he has been involved with OHS. Please, I am desperate.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Rowyrow »

maybe throw the word "worksafe" around and actually contact worksafe and see what they say?
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Labbie »

Yes work safe or workcover is a good idea. Have you got a union that could help you??????? I know they are not all the helpful but at a time like this, it just may help. Perhaps a Neighbouring school, where the Head teacher of Science has been their a bit longer. Can you get a copy of OH&S reg act? Throw that at them. Talk to the principal, regarding the OH&S act, Oh boy good luck. Do let us know how things go.
Regards Labbie

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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by sunray18 »

RING Workcover and ask if they have any pamphlets that cover all this - ask their advice on this..
This design is a serious accident waiting to happen, and Workcover are strict about anything that WILl cause accidents.
The Union is also one to RING...
LOOK after yourself! No one else will. I know it is scary going against the bosses at school, but in the long run, if you are hurt, they won't care about you - they won't come and do your housework or help you shower or do your shopping.. Please please be strong for your own sake.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Lis »

Tassie must have a governing body like NSW have Workcover, think Vic is Worksafe, try them, what is the principal saying? talk to Dept of Ed, get your local member to have a look (just a thought, with an election looming), tell them you will go to the parents, P&F. It doesnt sound as though you would be able to perform the duties you need to in a safe manner, for yourself (NO 1), and the kids too.
Yes, Let us know how it all goes,
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by sunray18 »

I know that we each work alone - or with only one or two other labtechs, but isn't it nice that, through this network, we can gain moral support from so many other people that understand our problems.
I know we can't be there to help you, but we are all cheering you on! :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:
Smile - you have lots of friends in chemtalk land!
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Lyn »

Workcover Tasmania has a website that may be useful.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Wayne »

Hi Pat,

Sorry to hear that you are having trouble out there at Dominic, what is it with Catholic schools and lab refurbs? I had zero input when the labs were done here. :redcard:

I would definitely be talking to workplace safety (or what ever they are called here). Ringing the Union wouldn't hurt either, actually I would probably start with them, they have always been good to me.

Hope it works out for you.

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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by kase »

I have just had my prep area, two labs and the science staff office refurbished. The teachers walk straight through my prep area to get to their office and GUESS WHAT!!! My chem store room is on one side of the walk way and the fume hood on the other!!!!! I wasn't happy about it at the planning stage (and still not happy of course!) but I was made to feel that I was being too precious! I honestly felt that it wouldn't get approved, but I was wrong. So you will need to do all you can now to not let this happen. I wish I had done more.
I have only had one teacher actually realize how much of a hazard this is and with his support we are going to try and retrain the staff !!!!!!! to walk around the building and use the other entrance!!!!!!

Best of luck
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by cecmel »

Many, many years ago at the start of my school career, I worked very, very briefly in a school where for reasons of layout I can't remember, access to one lab at times was through the prep room - past stock bottles, wash up area, prep bench areas and my desk, and with the ability to duck down another row past prepared pracs, etc - in other words the whole prep room. The teacher who "owned" the classroom was very tight on crowd control, and I can still recall her saying "Bags down, keep moving, don't touch anything" as classes trooped through. Apart for the risks (Year 10 boys seem to take up a lot of space), it can totally disrupt your workflow - are you going to dilute acid when there may be a class through in 5 minutes? Students going through a prep room en mass is a VERY VERY BAD IDEA.
I can't think of any other avenues of appeal that others haven't mentioned. Just wish you good luck with trying to get it changed to something more sensible.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Ocker »

I have just been informed that there has been approval to refurbise my oldest 3 labs and prep room
I am anxious to hear of all problems so I can try to avoid them at earilest stage!
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by kase »

Congrats ocker, it's great to have brand new labs, faults and all.
Besides the teachers walking through my prep area the biggest problem is the way the emergency gas stop is set up here. Safety standards require that we have E-stop buttons near the exit of each class room for both electricity and gas. Of course the kids will always press them, BECAUSE THEY CAN!!!!! No real hassle to grab the key and reset. BUT the department wanted a secondary reset which is above the ceiling tile in the classroom, so I need to tramp through the classroom with a ladder(not just a step ladder) and lift a ceiling tile to reach up and press a little red button.
Even if we could stop the kids from pressing the button, HA HA, the problem would still not be solved because unless the E-stop button is pressed there is gas always available at the tap!!!! and we all know that you just can't allow that with kids around who do things just because they can.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by amandag »

Direct her to, photo gallery, facilities, and show her how a prep. room should look..(LOL), 2 X fumehoods, one double into chemistry room, making a total of 4, the chemstore and the whole building is monitored by in and out air sensors, so it will purge if a problem or lock down the chemstore.
also have a look at the LTAV (Vic Lab techs), there is a design brief with Aus standards, I gave that to my architects, and told them to follow it..from lighting to space required in classrooms.
Very happpy..
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Voice » ... +Act+2004/

Not sure the link will go through the system intact, so to quote:

Duty of employers to consult with employees. Comes into effect on 1 January 2006 The duty of employers to consult is one of the most significant changes introduced by the OHS Act 2004. Under the new Act, from 1 January 2006 employers will be required to consult with all employees who are, or are likely to be directly affected by proposed changes to the workplace that may affect their health and safety.

Section 28 of the OHS Act 2004 provides a duty for designers of buildings and structures which are going to be workplaces. This duty is to make sure that the design does not pose risks to people when using the workplace for a purpose for which it was intended. This duty has been in operation since 1 July 2006 and applies to any design started after that date.

The law says designers need to address health and safety issues when they are designing workplaces, and that buildings and structures must be safe for the purpose for which they are designed. Although designers hold the duty, information and help is needed from the person who commissions the building or structure – either the developer intending to sell or lease it, or the employer when it is completed.

Either way, the person commissioning the work can help identify workplace hazards at the design stage, ultimately making workplaces safer.

This is Victorian legislation, and so I don't know if Tasmania has anything similar. Let's hope so!

Good Luck

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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Krysia Lee »

Our new labs and prep room are nearly finished and I got to have a look last week. The computer in the prep room has been put on the bench directly above the dishwasher?!??!! I have no desk, I can live without it I guess but that just doesn't seem like a good place for the computer. I have no draws at all just 6 huge sections on either side of an island bench. Each section is so deep that I'll at least be able to put a sleeping bag and pillow in one. What the hell am I meant to store in there. They placed two gas jets either side every sink in the labs but one jet points into either side of the sink............... Arrrrhhhhhhhhhhh. No one spoke to anyone in science about the design of the labs. I was shown the plans of the prep room. And commented on the size of the cupboard I was being punted into but it seems, like so many of us, no one listens. I was so excited about the new rooms and its such a let down now I've seen them. I hope you have some input Ocker. The mentone labs and prep room have got me green with envy.
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Labbie »

The two hugh sections under the island bench, are for the new trolleys to go into. They are the only ones that fit. I have a two draw filling cabinet on one side.
Regards Labbie

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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by Mad Anne »

Dear Pat,
The thoroughfare through the Prep Rm is absolutely crazy!! I stop students from time to time, trying to take a short cut through my Science Prep. rm. It comes down to a serious SAFETY issue here. See & report in writing to the OH&S committee/folder ASAP, and mark it HIGH priority, and it will have to be seen to by the Principal(the buck stops there-for what goes on at your school). You must be consulted, as it is your work area, & your well being at risk! The Risk Assessment Matrix needs to be done/worked through. Good Luck! :thumbup:
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by General »

Workplace Standards Tasmania told me to ask the architects for their Risk Assesment on the changes they want to make in theprep room. Only problem is I am not allowed to talk to them. The Head of Science finally convinced the project manager to have a meeting which included me. Only problem is he organised it for my day off. (Either I am paranoid, or there is a conspiracy happening) Thankfully it has been rescheduled to tomorrow afternoon-keep your fingers crossed for me. I actually feel like I am in the middle of a Shakespearian Comedy. Trust me when I say they are awesome to read, but you don't want to be caught in the middle of one. :crazy:
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by CC »

Hi, I have been keeping a close eye on this subject and I hope you get what you need and what you want. Like so many of us labbies out there the decisions about OUR work environment is taken from us, and I really want to see you win this one.

Good luck
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Re: lab refurb or oh God cant someone help me

Post by smeee »

Make sure you ask for and get a decent sized sink. Nobody listened to my wish list and I got a normal sized double kitchen sink with normal kitchen tap and the sink is in front of a window .... no hanging space for drainage rack anywhere near sink! Grrrrr :crazy:
At least I have a dishwasher now :clap3:
The drain for the safety shower is 12 feet away so hope that it doesn't need to be used in an emergency :mad:
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