Digital MSDS database?

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Digital MSDS database?

Post by AJJK »

Hi labbies

I am aware that we are required to have an MSDS of each hazardous substance available for easy access.
As I stocktake my bunker I am updating the MSDS's, downloading them to the school network.
They can be accessed from any computer in the school and I have given all the science teachers the file location.

Once I finish I plan to print the whole lot off in one swoop. Strictly though, do I need to?
Does a digital database count as easily accessible?
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by sunray18 »

I do not know.. There are a few schools who have become fully digital, Chemwatch has assisted them in setting this up by giving advice. They have a stand alone computer set up so that even power failures in the school do not affect it. Hope one of those schools gives you input
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by Merilyn1 »

I've heard mixed opinions on this. All staff must have access to the SDSs, so if it is on a computer or server, all staff must have access to that computer or to the server. What happens if there is a power failure? I think as time goes on, the acceptance of digital copies will increase.
In the mean time, I am hedging my bets, by having a digital copy of the register and printing off the register and data sheets. As I don't rely heavily on the Chemwatch data sheets, this is easier for me.
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by AnnNos »

I have a digital copy that I put on a USB ready to take if we have to evacuate off site - the fire brigade asked for this. I do this after my annual stocktake each year. This same file is available to all staff on our computers. We had a fire several years ago and the School was commended on the fact we also had a paper copy because all power was cut and they could access the folders for the MSDS. All the store stock-takes were in the folder so they could see what they were dealing with in the areas affected. We keep the folders in 2 separate blocks - sign on room and Library. It's a pain to update every 5 years - my job - but it seems to cover the requirements.
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by superbug »

We have ours all on a PC common drive for all staff to access. (they have laptops and ipads as well).
I have only printed out full SdS's for hazardous or dangerous goods only.

your SDS's have to be accessed in a reasonable practicable amount of time according to the WHS regulation. How long is "reasonable", is debatable. We have stated less than a minute.
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by Xenon »

Chemwatch is acceptable MSDS database for NSW Dept. schools (see post 'MSDS sorry').
SASC however insist on hard copies, and they prefer the manfucturer's SDS, some of which don't include GHS info, so I prefer the Chemwatch generics, but most of those go out of date on 1.1.2018 :-|
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Re: Digital MSDS database?

Post by AJJK »

Thanks for the replies everyone.

I should have mentioned I am in SA.

So they do insist on physical copies here then. The fire/evac explanation makes sense.

I'll print them off after all. Cheers.
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