Disagreeing with an SDS

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
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Disagreeing with an SDS

Post by linotas »

What would you do if you disagree with a manufacturers SDS?

There is a cleaning product used/stored on site by our contract cleaners. The SDS states that it is non hazardous. Now I know that concentration is everything, but it has 40-80% aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent which are hazardous, some extremely so, and 10-20% limonene which can also be hazardous depending on concentration. would have thought it would hat least be deemed hazardous under GHS for the aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent? SDS is dated 2016.
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Re: Disagreeing with an SDS

Post by bigmack »

You might want to take it up with Safework Australia
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