Teaching Safety to New staff

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
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Teaching Safety to New staff

Post by Lorikeet »

Hi Labbies and Labbettes ... Our WHS lady has asked me to check out ... what others are doing as far as teaching at induction incoming staff about chemical safety in schools - we are an independant school - DoE said use chemwatch ...

Its mainly to teach them about GHS, using chemicals in schools, knowing how to access information on chemical safety etc ...

Any suggestions / offers appreciated
With thanks Kate :coffee:
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Re: Teaching Safety to New staff

Post by bindibadgi »

Hi Kate,

we've put together a science teachers handbook, with info about evac/incusion, safety, equipment, policies, IT, & the kitchen sink!

I then give them a brief tour of the labs & point out shut down buttons & safety procedures, help them get the computer, projector etc going, & explain prac ordering & lab use etc.

The handbook's too big to post, so if you'd like it just email me at kkrassay@pembroke.sa.edu.au & I'll send you a copy.


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Re: Teaching Safety to New staff

Post by Merilyn1 »

Hi Kate
All staff should be trained in chemical safety. There are two levels, those in high risk areas such as science, TAS and visual arts and then everyone else. AIS offers two training courses. Our science teacher has just completed them (on-line) and she will be able to conduct this training for the whole school. We are just checking the frequency, but we think it might need to be repeated every three years and it should be part of the induction process for new staff. I don't think it includes safety data sheets, so we are going to tack that on as well.
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Re: Teaching Safety to New staff

Post by jodye »

Hi Kate,
We use a variety of what has already been mentioned. There are online WHS safety induction courses to complete ( for all staff not just science),a staff handbook and an induction form to be completed and signed by both the new teacher and the person giving the induction ( usually me for science staff ). I am the one who will take them through the labs, show them how to use Chemwatch and Risk Assess and any other WHS issues.
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