Add some life to the Labs

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Add some life to the Labs

Post by labman »

Hi All,
As I have only Yr 11 & 12 students at my school,and most of them are into exams, this is my time to sort, clean, repair etc. I have seven labs, two each of chem, bio and physics, and one geology. Yesterday, I was clearing old notices off the boards in the chem labs, and realised they look very uninteresting. All of the walls are light grey, which doesn't help, but they are modern looking, so thats a start.What I would like to know, is how other labbies have livened up their labs. The obvious first would be plants, followed by animals, and I will be setting up a tank or two. If anyone has tips on the most hassle free animals or fish, that would be good. But I would love to hear of any other novel ways people have added interest to their areas, that are, of course, kid resistant!!
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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by Labbie »

Frog's lizards, snakes in persertives in a jar, also seems also bring the students to the glass cabnet to look see. These cabnets are locked, so we do not seems to have any thing go missing. Dried flowers cut or pressed ( although they dry out) do add a little interest. Their are some really good poster's around just now. Models of Hearts, lungs smaller one that fit in the cabnets. In the chemistry labs we have large flasks with coloured water in, I agree not so interesting but brighten's up the room a little.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by Labbie »

sorry forgot to add, x-rays in glass windows can be interesting. They only last about a term in summer then they go hard and crack up. A bit like me. Photo's of experments that have been done. Some times doctors rooms, throw out posters of Lungs etc, could always ask?? I think that is all for now.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by lada »

We have a fish tank. It is largiesh(about 5') and I used to have tropical fish. They need more care that goldfish and need heating. Holidays used to be problem. Now I have goldfish and purchased an autofeeder so fish get their dinner every night the same time.
We also have spiny leaf insects. They are cute. Very easy to look after, just an old fish tank with mossie screen on top and lots of fresh leaves. Students take these home over holidays. We bought 2 pairs and now we have lots of little critters running around.
Happy redecorating \:D/ 8)
Lada :thumbup:
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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by lizzieb »

Our Labs are very old, and painted in the usual drab school greys and greens.
A couple of years ago our Head Teacher (Physics) and her Yr 12's repainted her Lab (one side of my Prep Room), after much time deliberating and choosing bright cheerful colours. The kids had great fun, happily giving up their time in the Easter holidays to come in and work!

Since then the Chem teacher has done the same thing (other side of me), and I've painted my doors. Really had made a difference - so much more happy and cheerful! I dyed my Lab coat to match!

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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by bindi »

I take heaps of photos during pracs!
I print them off in batches, laminate and pin them up!
The girls love laughing and looking at themselves and there friends and cant wait to see any new batches.
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Re: Add some life to the Labs

Post by Ocean Breeze »

I have aquariums in a few of the labs as a focal feature.
Also I put a few pieces of colourful and/or interesting pieces of equipment on top of the cupboards. Posters on the wall add a great deal of colour and atmosphere. The equipment & posters can be rotated to freshen the effect.
In my prep room, I have several big plants, and pictures of tigers on the wall.
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