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Joined: 20 Jul 2006, 10:00
School: Oxley High School
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Re: Holidays

Post by fibreweb »

We're off to Port Macquarie also but only overnight to visit an ill mother-in-law. Though still should have time to maybe catch sight of a whale from shore. We did this time last year!

Then it's home and hopefully to my sewing machine. I'm working on a wall Quilt inspired by our recent school excursion to Central Australia. That excursion took up the first 3 weeks of term so only actually working 7 weeks has made this term seem really short.

At the start of next term my daughter has a week's work experience at Taronga Zoo so I have a weeks long service leave to acompany her. She works 7.45 - 3.30 each day so I have all day to myself to explore the Mosman area and further afield in Sydney.

I hope everyone has a happy and restful break.

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