A Bad Day

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A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

Riding to work this morning - the sun was just rising, I was snug and warm in my new winter gloves, the bike was running perfectly after a service and the world in general was smiling at me.

That was until the head cleaner stopped me as I was walking across the quad to open my prep room at 6.30 this morning.

"You don't wanna go in there" he said seriously.

I thought it was that a fish had leapt out of a tank or maybe a yabby had mad an unsuccessful escape bid as they both can be a bit whiffy. I wish now that's what it was - but no.

A young teacher had left out the end product of a lamb brain dissection conducted Friday when I had time in leiu and I was greeted with the result first thing this morning. I have a pretty strong stomach but this turned me green. :yuck: The cleaners wouldn't come near the Science block and it was up to me to try to sort out before school started.

I've just finished and as you can see it's taken me almost 3 hours. Sorry about the graphic nature of the posting 1st thing on a monday, but I had to share it didn't I as we've all been there before.

So, how's everybody else today?! :w00t:
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Labbie »

Better then you, by the sounds of things. Hope you had a nice chat with that young teacher.
How awful, why is it that teachers man or female, just do not THINK???????????

Talk about use & abuse
Regards Labbie

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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

I'm having a great day now it's done! Funnily enough, the teacher hasn't shown her face down here yet but appologised to all the other teachers about the whiff!!

Am I being funny in thinking I'm the one due for an appology?
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Loopy »

Hey 42,
My sympathy is with you. Had the same thing happen to me last Monday. I had to leave early the Friday before and the last lesson there was one class doing kidney dissection. Yuckko! Green doesn't aptly describe it!
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Jen1 »

I would be getting the teacher responsible to clean up the mess. Leaving that type of thing over the weekend is disgusting and totally disrespectful to you. This sort of thing really makes me angry. Grrrrrrrr
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by smiley »

What's that butyric acid ester that smells like a dead cow? :wink2: Just think Richard...one could let slip that the scope for revenge could be almost endless. Unless, of course an apology was forthcoming. :thumbup: After that kind of work, an apology to me would have to be served with chocolate, but maybe a beer for you?

Hope the day improves, and that every other teacher treats you with extra care out of sheer embarrassment at the actions of their coleague.

Cheers, K 8-)
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Loopy »

Actually, I remember working in this factory with a manager who was "not popular" for want of describing her... Anyway her office developed a terrible smell that just couldn't be traced for months. As it turned out, someone had put prawn shells in her air conditioner! Pheeee-ew!
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

I'm not a revengeful person, everyone makes mistakes of all sizes and I think she feels badly enough.

An old boss of mine in private industry though was a prat and a bit scared of spiders. We (myself and a bloke egging me on) caught a female Funnel Web in the carpark of a place I used to work at in St Ives and we placed it in a glass jar. It was a big aggressive hairy monster of a thing.

My boss had it on his desk where he could keep an eye on it until someone from Wires I think came to pick it up. He left his office for a second then returned to make an international phone call to a big customer of ours.

It was on this call that he discovered that the jar on his desk was now on it's side with the lid off and the spider no where to be seen!!! (We had removed it while he was out of his office) He went white and could not utter a word. We thought he was going to faint.

Like I said I'm not a revengeful person but I must have been when I was a teenager!!! :w00t:Ahhh, great days!

Better be a box o' chockies for me and Brian before the end of the day or she'll feel the full wrath of THE GOAT. He's unbeatable at making people have bad days!
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Labbie »

And it is SASS Recognition week _ All week_ chocolates, cakes coffee,
Regards Labbie

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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Xenon »

I'm not a revengeful type myself either, but I've heard a prawn inside a hubcup works a treat.
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by smiley »

Back in the day, a prawn head inside the mouthpiece of on of those dialling phones worked really well. The smell was most powerful as the victim was talking on the phone, so one would see the most amazing faces being pulled, as they tried to conduct a conversation.

Mind you, when I worked in Customs, that was a whole new range of ideas. Once, a housebrick found it's way into somebody's luggage, and they were ju-u-u-st overweight on the baggage scales all the way to London. Ah well, I've mellowed since then.

Cheers, K 8-)
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

Blimey! I wouldn't want to get offside with ANY of you! Prawns in telephone mouthpieces and hubcaps!

I had a mate put a large Eastern Water dragon in the bedroom I was sleeping in without telling me. I couldn't remember where the lightswitch was and/or the door!

I got him back but, I sprayed the inside of his work trucks cabin with "impulse". His concreting mates thought he was a bit, you know, feminine for a while after!
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Vick »

I walked into a prep room between 2 labs at 1.00pm, the first time that I had a need to go into this room today. I said to the teacher teaching in the lab next door, what is that dreadful smell?

Guess what had happened! The fridge had been unplugged and turned off. In the freezer was 1/2 a sheeps head (which was being used in Biology). Apparently, the fridge had been turned off last Tuesday, and I hadn't noticed it. We had a man in checking all the electrical cords etc, and of course he unplugged it and didn't think that the fridge was on for a reason.

I was nearly sick from the smell. My head teacher got rid of the head and a science teacher (used to fly struck sheep) cleaned up the fridge. I owe him a chocolate, probably two.

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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Loopy »

I dunno Vick, if wouldn't affect the postal workers, you could've sent the head to the test n tag guy! He would possibly never forget to turn back on things like fridges! Yuck! Poor you!
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by lada »

Back in the old days, when my kids were teenagers, my son kept a carpet python in his bedroom. One day snake was gone and all he worried about was that the poor snake was outside and gone. Mum to the rescue; I thought where would I go if I was a snake? Somewhere warm and dark... Yes, my son's sock drawer.
Well this doesnt really qualify for a bad day, but it could have been, if the snake ended up in my bed.
Lada :cheesy:
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Voice »

Fortunately, none of the previous has happened to me. My staff celan up all offal, etc unless I clearly state that I will do it. All I generally need to do it clean the dissecting equipment. It's the eyes that get me. Everything sticks to those sinewy black and white bits. As such, even the tiles come back nearly perfectly clean. They do look after me. Then again I do some small things that rreally should not be a part of my duties.
I hope you have had that apology Richard. I must admit, I respect those who can apologise. It is a sign of adulthood! Those that can't, they are not worth my time!
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

She felt terrible about it (when she did eventually show her face) but there was no actual apology. Looks like Uncle Butyric Acid may have to visit her desk! :w00t:
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by sunray18 »

Back to thye lamb brains .. we had an intern who demanded that she would do brain dissections, even though the brains had been frozen and so would turn to mush.. and of course, Lab techs know absolutely nothing!
So, I put out the gear and left her to it. :mad:
This person also had no classroom management skills... The next day, the classroom had to be put out of action for the whole day as I cleaned up the mess.. BUT I just couldnt get rid of the smell! My complaints landed on deaf ears, none of the faculty heads supported me. :yuck:
The next morning, the maggots dropping from the fan blades alerted me to where the smell was coming from! :yuck: :yuck:
THIS time - it was the cleaner's job because the fans are too high for me.. and THIS time there were 'words' said from on high to said intern!
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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Robb »

Hi Richard,

Funny that, I could smell it from here...


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Re: A Bad Day

Post by Slartibartfast »

Ha Robb you bugger! I wouldn't doubt it. It was well whiffy. Science is a world of many and varied interesting smells. This just stank.

I have a spare kidney available (no not my own) and I'll give her 'till 12pm today to apologise profusley or it get's put under the wiper blade of her car!
Richard Hollinworth
Disease diagnosis and extension services
Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory
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