Storage of Chemicals

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
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Storage of Chemicals

Post by Ian »

Hi all,
I need just a little bit of advice.

My Chem teacher is wanting to do a major "re-shuffle and throw out" in our chem store (not a bad thing!) The previous labbie (who I took over from a few years ago) was EXTREMELY well organised and had "a place for everything and everything in it's place". It has degenerated a bit during my reign.

Can anybody point me to where to get the information about what should be stored with what, and apart from what else. What are categories do I need and how do I find out what goes in each category?

Also.... I anticipate that we may be able to get rid of a lot of chemicals, but when I suggested that we might donate some to a small, poorer school starting up down the road, I was told that that would be illegal and could not be done. What are the legalities of giving away chemicals? (otherwise we have to pay an "arm and a leg" to ChemSal to have them taken away) (am I being cynical to think that perhaps my boss is just being "Bloody minded" toward "The Opposition"??


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Re: Storage of Chemicals

Post by lizzieb »

Hi Ian,

Check your CSIS Appenix D folder for information on 'what goes with what'.
I did a lot of that last year (but still more to do). Our budget doesn't cover the cost of Chemsal. Check your local council for their annual household chemicals clean-up day. The school had to pay to use it last year, but it was a pittance compared to a private contractor.

I missed this year's though - they held it the last weekend of last school holidays.

Good luck

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Re: Storage of Chemicals

Post by jat »

Hi Ian

The most important thing is to store your chemicals as per their dangerous goods class, ie all toxic together, all oxidisers together and so on! The MSDS will give you that info.

As far as giving away chemicals,over he years (way to many) I have worked in a number of different labs both private and government and we used to give away heaps of "stuff” including chemicals to schools, tafe etc. so unless I have missed something in the last few years, I would say it’s ok, but don’t quote me!

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Re: Storage of Chemicals

Post by Labbie »

If you give away chemicals "It is your job to check that person knows how to use them" EG the police, may be able to help their. "DUTY OF CARE" If its another school, get your head to sign the chemcials over to their head of science. A little bit of paper work. So it is easier to put for collection. Our school pays for our collection.
Last edited by Labbie on 19 Sep 2008, 09:01, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: duty of care
Regards Labbie

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Re: Storage of Chemicals

Post by Ocker »

The biggest part of the problem is , we are not allowed to transport dangerous goods
1. make a list of what you want to dispose of, and show it to other lab attendant
2 Odd's are if you don't want it, they won't want it
3 now you have a list to get quotes for removal, a lot of chemicals can be used as fertiliser etc or are non-hazardous this can further reduce amount to go for disposal
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Re: Storage of Chemicals

Post by sunray18 »

Storage of Chemicals - if your school uses Chemwatch on-line, after you have completed the Manifest, you can ask for a report which will show conflicts in storage.. this helps when re-locating chemicals, but keep in mind that Chemwatch is set up for Industrial amounts, not school amounts.
As to disposal ring Hazchem or one of the dispoasl firms and they can advise you
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