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Re: Frogs

Post by Labbie »

You just HAVE to have your holiday Richard. You just have too. So very sorry to read about your break in. Just clean it all up. Have a holiday, then start next term. Working through your holiday will not do YOU any good. :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:
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Re: Frogs

Post by labman »

How awful for you, I felt so sad when I read your post. It must be devastating to see all that hard work destroyed, and to lose some of your precious animals as well.
I sincerely hope you get a lot of support while trying to pick up the pieces,(I think we'd all be there if we could) and even more so, I hope they catch the spineless idiots responsible.
Do try and take your holidays as planned. I think you may need them by the end of the week. Keep us posted as to how you're coping, even if it's just to "vent".
My thoughts are with you,
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Re: Frogs

Post by dolphinscales »

Richard what can i add that has not been said nothing - go have your holiday and recharge. the mess will be there when you get back - have never understood such desires to destroy - the results are always painful.
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Re: Frogs

Post by Slartibartfast »

They've got them! Some students gave their names to police because they were as upset as the staff here about what had been done.

And the really good news is, a couple of them are over 18 so they've been charged as adults. Ahhhh, sweet justice!

Now, back to cleaning up.
Richard Hollinworth
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Re: Frogs

Post by Loopy »

Don't you just love it when justice prevails! I'm really glad that they have found the perpetrators, at least you can put faces to your cussing as you clean up!
Keep your chin up Richard and don't let them defeat you! Go on holiday as planned and enjoy. Whatever remains will still be there, rather like house work, it's seemingly never done.
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Re: Frogs

Post by RosalieM »

I reckon the ones who made the mess should clean it up! Especially as you know who they are now... And pay for the replacements of course!
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Re: Frogs

Post by Loopy »

Hey Richard,
Just wondering how your clean up is going? Was thinking of you yesterday as we cleaned up araldite'd door locks and graffiti (my prep room title was changed to sex ed and one quick-witted teacher said "Dam! I only wore my leather boots, cud've worn all my leathers!") - a result from a rival high school year 12 mob. Anyway, how's it all going?
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Re: Frogs

Post by Slartibartfast »

It's going well. The carpet and aluminium door strips have been replaced and relaid, all the smashed aquarium glass is gone, the fridge and 3 PC's removed and written off, and my lovely Oscars buried in the garden outside my preproom window.

I've taken your advise and kind words and buggering off to Queensland for 2 weeks over the holidays.

The whole thing has knocked the wind out of my sails a bit and as a result I've accepted a transfer starting term 1 day 1 2009 at a school in Gosford shire - and no I'm not revealing it yet as I have a whole term here to complete!

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Re: Frogs

Post by Labbie »

Very pleased to read your are taking your holidays. I for one am happy. I really do hope it all works out. Shall speak about the transfer next term.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Frogs

Post by Loopy »

I really am sorry for you. :-(

So a new school, eh? They say a change is as good as a holiday. Mind if we run a lottery as to which one? Maybe twenty questions? What would happen to Brian? Can you set up the same sort of stuff you have at your current school in your new one? Sorry, you might've guessed I have come to a standstill at the moment and am filling some time.

Anyway, I am sure we are all thinking of you, keep your chin up,
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Re: Frogs

Post by Slartibartfast »

:D I'm looking forward to the new challenge! I'm taking the mad goat with me to the new school, I don't think they'd let me leave without him.

Funny thing was through talking to people here, I got the impression the SAM thought I was wrapping up this term! There would have been 2 of us in Science and some explaining to do by the office if that eventuated next term!

It's all good though, the classrooms and more importantly - the labs have re opened for business. By the very nature of what us labbies do, we just knuckle down and get on with it no matter what the situation. We get to replace some equipment with new gear and they've charged the people (crettins) responsible so there's some good to it all.

Normal programming has resumed! (as normal as it's going to get around here anyway!)

My baby tadpoles are growing at a great rate too! It is a frog forum after all!!
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Re: Frogs

Post by rosiegbh »

Hi Richard,

I have only just read about all the tragedy and devastation and am so glad that they found and charged the culprits. I suppose one good thing it happened near the end of term and not in the middle with exams. Enjoy your holiday. I hope the weather is good and you feel refreshed. A break always puts things in perspective and you have lots of support from your chemtalk buddies.

As I am only new I appreciate all the helpful hints and wisdom you supply to this site. Keep up the good work :D

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Re: Frogs

Post by Dee »

So Richard 'vess up which school - I have plans to move to gosford shire too - still waiting still waiting..... but I am fussy I only want to go to Kincumber High.

Sorry about all your damage - its heartbreaking to have hard work mindlessly destroyed.

Go have your holiday - the mess will wait
Ask for a casual for a few days to help - the office always seems to get extra help when needed why not you.

edited to add if your taking mad goat - must be somewhere with a good ag farm - Henry Kendall perhaps or Gosford!!!!
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Re: Frogs

Post by Loopy »

Hi Richard!
Are you gunna transport Brian like the person did the alpaca (that picture posted somewhere in Chemtalk back when)? I'm sure he'd enjoy the back seat of your car!
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Re: Frogs

Post by Slartibartfast »

There is no way I'd put Brian in the back of my car! He ate the seat of the school tractor once - luckily the GA wasn't on it at the time. We have a pile of old car tyres we're going to use for growing potatoes in and there are even teeth marks in some of those. He's a lunatic.

Dee, Gosford H.S. & Henry Kendall share their Ag farm but it's still not big enough for Brians ego, also why only Kincumber H.S? Great school though, my brother was there in the PE dept for a bit and loved it. Are you hopeing the labbie there will pop their clogs soon?
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Re: Frogs

Post by J »

Hi Richard

If Brian is in the market for GAs for breakfast, I'll happily volunteer ours for the position. :whistling2:
Then we'd have to replace him and things might actually get done around here for a change.

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Re: Frogs

Post by lizzieb »

Richard - really hope you have a great relaxing, stress-free holiday in Paradise..... \:D/
Then you'll return with the energy to get everything back to rights next term, and ready for your move.

I'm off early today, so wish everyone a wonderful, peaceful couple of weeks.
Roll on Term 4!

Blessings to all,

Life keeps getting better every day!
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Re: Frogs

Post by June »

Hey Dee,

Its Narelle from the old A.G.A.L days. I just logged in this morning to see whats up when I read all of Richards distressing problems . Richard if you are reading this I am so pleased that the culprits have been named and shamed. My heart went out to you. Anyway Dee when I was browsing I read your message. So you are still up in the Central Coast. Kincumber would be handy for you if you still live in that area. I am still in Bathurst, coming upto 9 years at Stannies now. Do you keep in touch with any of our old lab. pals eg Pip or Irene.I sort of keep in touch with K ay, but they live an unbelievably busy life. Anyway lovely to hear your still a labby. Narelle :grin:
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Re: Frogs

Post by Slartibartfast »

Problems? Me? Challenges more like! :wink2:
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Re: Frogs

Post by Dee »

Hi Narelle
Fancy catching up this way
Yes I am still at Kincumber thats why I want to transfer there.
Actually got an offer this week but it was a position in the office that I have NO skills for (well some but not many)

So I am still holding out for the labbie position - have heard unsubstantiated rumours about it

Though I am not sure about going back to 7 to 12 after having seniors only for the last few years.

I haven't heard from anyone sadly but often think about the old days

Email me on my det address and I will forward you my private email address so we can catch up further

love to here from you and how everything is going
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