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Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 19 Aug 2008, 16:45
by Teresa
Dear Chemtalkers,

The National Survey is being posted this week to the following state/territories:
ACT Catholic Schools
Northern Territory
Western Australia
We are still awaiting ethics committee approvals from the ACT, NSW and SA.

An email has been sent to the interstate contacts requesting that if they are in one of the areas that survey is being sent to and they are part of a Science Technician Association to alert all their members and, if their area does not have an association, to email all their contacts that the National Survey is on its way.

The survey will be addressed to the Teacher in Charge of Science and Science Support Staff via the Principal. Therefore, if the Technicians can alert their Teacher in Charge and if they in turn tell their Principal that they are expecting the National Survey, there is more chance of it getting through.

When you receive the survey, you will note that there are no ‘Industrial’ questions within the survey as it has been approached from an academic perspective, looking at roles and responsibilities, qualifications, training and support.

However, there are open-ended questions within the survey. We would like to suggest that Technicians make their comments count by simply stating facts rather than emotions. The researchers who will read these comments are looking for straightforward facts to add to their statistics and, of course, more facts equate stronger statistics, and consequently stronger recommendations in the final report.

Please actively encourage all your contacts to fill in the survey and return it promptly within two weeks of arrival. The researchers tell us that there is usually a 30% return rate on surveys – let’s prove that figure wrong! We will only get one chance at this so let’s make it count.

We will alert the remaining states and territory of their mail out as soon as we know.

Kind regards
Teresa & Marilyn

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Aug 2008, 18:53
by Teresa
Dear Chemtalkers,

I have just been advised that Ethics Committee approval has now been received for South Australia, so the survey should be posted out to SA schools early next week.

This survey is well supported by ASTA, who will be asking their Science Teacher Associations in every state/territory to promote the survey and we expect to see notification of the survey to appear through their email distribution lists to alert all their teacher members.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to highlight what we do as school science technicians.

Kind Regards

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 10:38
by Lyn
Has any lab person sighted this survey yet?

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 11:41
by smiley
Not I, said the dolphin

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 11:46
by sunray18
I received one from the IEU - dont think it's the same thing.. but I received it AFTER the closing date..grrrr

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 29 Aug 2008, 12:05
by rell
I received it last week and have returned it

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 13:00
by judygee
Has anyone in the Catholic system in NSW seen this survey yet? Still waiting!!!!! Judy

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 13:35
by Labbie
If you go back a few messages, NSW has not been sent out yet.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 13:50
by Lyn
I still haven't seen hide nor hair of the survey and it was supposedly being sent out two and a half weeks ago to the Northern Territory.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 14:49
by judygee
Thanks Sue - I was just getting a little impatient. Judy

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 15:40
by labman
Hi All,
Have received mine this morning, but haven't had much of a chance to look at it. I will be filling it out a.s.a.p though. This should be very interesting.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 08 Sep 2008, 17:16
by souj
Hi Lyn,
As the surveys were being sent to the principals, perhaps it hasn't reached the out basket yet?? Might pay to check with your HOD as well. It is probably there somewhere...

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 11:38
by Lyn
It hasn't even reached the in basket yet. I've been pestering all the appropriate people and no-one has seen it yet.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 11:58
by dolphinscales
Got ours last week - all filled out and gone back .

for those how have not got theres i was given the contact of the guy sending them out if you are intetrersted
We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have about the questionnaire. Please direct
questions regarding this research study to Professor Mark Hackling on 08 6304 5170 or If you have any concerns about the project or would like to talk to an
independent person, you may contact the Research Ethics Officer at the Human Research Ethics
Office, Edith Cowan University on 08 6304 2170 or

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 09 Sep 2008, 13:55
by Teresa
Hi All,

It is great to hear that the survey is being received and completed. Thanks for all your expressions of enthusiasm!

The surveys have been posted to all states and territories except NSW and ACT.
I have just spoken to Professor Mark Hackling and lots of the surveys are coming in which is fantastic! It is great that so many are keen to participate!

If you have not received your survey as yet (except for those schools in NSW or ACT), could you please email Katherine Carson on for a copy? Katherine is the research assistant working on this project. The questionnaire will come with a covering letter addressed to the principal and needs his/her permission for your school to participate.

If your school has any questions about the survey then it would be good to contact Professor Mark Hackling as per the quote from the covering letter.

We will be happy to discuss any questions you may have about the questionnaire. Please direct questions regarding this research study to Professor Mark Hackling on 08 6304 5170 or If you have any concerns about the project or would like to talk to an independent person, you may contact the Research Ethics Officer at the Human Research Ethics Office, Edith Cowan University on 08 6304 2170 or


Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 11:13
by Mother
Hi all
I am beginning to get a little worried about the survey, as my school as not yet received it!!!
Is anyone else experiencing the same problem???

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 11:52
by Labbie
NSW Does not have it yet.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 16 Sep 2008, 16:35
by Teresa
Hi All,

Thank you all so much for your interest in when the survey will be coming to your school.

We have not received approval for research in NSW DET schools. This approval is necessary for these schools to be able to participate in the survey.

However the survey will be sent out in the next few days to the Catholic and Independent schools in NSW, which we realise is very close to your school holidays.

I will let you know of any further updates as they arise.


Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:08
by Mother
Hi all
I have just read that all DET schools in NSW will not be participating in the National Survey!!!! :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: How very,very dissapointing.I have a lab technician friend who works at the MAG's school here and she will fax me a copy of hers when she receives it.
I'm very annoyed about this and am going to make some phone calls,although I don't know who to ring.However I will find someone. :mad: :mad: :mad:

:cry: :cry: :cry:

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:16
by Teresa
Hi All,
I understand the disappointment, however unless we have the approval of the jurisdiction, schools cannot participate. Likewise it is necessary to have the approval of the principal and Head of Science for participation.
All of these approvals are necessary and even if you get a copy of the survey, it will not be able to be included without the appropriate permissions.