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Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:16
by Teresa
Hi All,
I understand the disappointment, however unless we have the approval of the jurisdiction, schools cannot participate. Likewise it is necessary to have the approval of the principal and Head of Science for participation.
All of these approvals are necessary and even if you get a copy of the survey, it will not be able to be included without the appropriate permissions.

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:40
by Mother
Sorry Teresa.
I know it isn't your fault. It's just that the powers that be within the department obviously thought it was not important enough for us to participate.What is wrong with this state of NSW!!!!! I could go on forever. Someone give be a butter box!!!!! My friend is just going to give me a copy to look at, not to be involved in.

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:44
by Teresa
Hi Mother and all ,
Don't despair. This will be a very reputable survey and I am confident will highlight the current situation in schools.

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 11:56
by Lyn
It makes one wonder what the Department of Education in NSW has to hide or what they are not willing to face up to.

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 12:34
by Loopy
All I can say is "Thank God for Catholic schools"

Lou :D

Re: National survey

Posted: 17 Sep 2008, 13:37
by smiley
Right on sister!

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 19 Sep 2008, 15:27
by Teresa
Hi Everyone

ECU has just notified us that permission has now come through for ACT DET schools and their surveys will now be posted next week along with the NSW non-government schools.

Surveys cannot go out to NSW DET schools because ECU has not received approval for that sector.

Therefore after next week, with the exception of NSW DET schools, surveys will have been sent out to all secondary schools (with >70 students) throughout Australia.

The next step is for these to be completed and sent back to ECU as soon as possible.

I will keep you posted.



Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 26 Sep 2008, 15:08
by rae

Just letting everyone know I received my survey today and will be filling it in as soon as we get back next term.


Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 06:48
by smeee
NSW Catholic and Independent schools should have received the survey in the last week of
Term 3. If you haven't already been asked to fill it in, check with your Science Co-ordinator and Principal.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 13 Oct 2008, 07:57
by Ocker
I got my survey form last day of term, Filled out on the spot and got it off!

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 20 Oct 2008, 15:53
by Teresa
Hi Everyone
Hope all is well with you all.
I have heard from Edith Cowan University that the surveys are returning well, which is fantastic.

Also, as the final batch was sent out 4 weeks ago and there was a request within the survey asking for them to be returned within a fortnight, ECU will not be sending any more copies out - and they have decided on a closure date as of this Thursday 23 October. Therefore any copies received after Thursday will not be accepted. Then they can get started on the data analysis and report writing.

Therefore I would like to encouraging those who have not yet completed their survey to act quickly as anything posted later than tomorrow evening from the Eastern States will not meet their deadline.

I will keep you posted of any further updates.

Kind Regards

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 09:12
by Ocean Breeze
Help, Theresa.. I havent recieved mine at all.
I notice that the closing date is 23 rd Oct.
I alerted the front office to keep an eye open for it.. but nothing so far! 8O

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 09:54
by Teresa
Hi Barbara,
Not sure if I can do anything now. :-(
Could you either pm me your school email address or send it to me at my school email which is and I will see what I can do.
Kind Regards

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 10:12
Hi All,
Ditto here - no sign of the questionnaire; probably lost in what passes for a system around here!!

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 12:29
by Ocean Breeze

I asked the Principal this morning, after my last post.

He said that he filled it in and its gone out with todays mail.

So thats a relief. Only I thought that we technicians were supposed to have some input as well?
Thanks anyway.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 15:17
by Jen1
Hi Barbara,
Your principal must be on the ball, I doubt my HOD could have answered some of the questions, never mind the principal!
And yes, you should have had some input. The only part the principal was required to answer was whether they gave you permission to fill it out. Makes one wonder if he/she decided not to give permission???????????????????
Or am i just too untrusting???

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 08:26
by Ocean Breeze
They were aware that I did want to see it when it came in, just because I thought that was the deal. However, it seems that the plan was that i wasnt going to get it at all.
As you say, we can assume that my principal was on the ball.. it was addressed to them after all.
And its good if principals know what we actually do on a day to day basis. =D>

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 08:51
by rae
That must have been disappointing not to have the opportunity to fill it in.
He must be really clever because the survey also included in-school training you have done external training you have done, your qualifications, if you are a member of union/technical group, what resources you have access too. What areas you feel you need extra training or help in and a lot of very specific stuff for our job.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 09:06
by sunray18
I saw mine - I actually laid hands on it... then gave it to my HOD to fikll out the school part.. and the HOD filed it in the round filing cab :yuck: inet

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 09:23
by smiley

You could always download a copy of the survey, fill in your bits, and send it as an appendix to the principal's reply - you know, in case he/she missed something or even got something wrong!