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Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 12:08
by Ocean Breeze
smiley, is that allowed? I would have loved to have a look at it.
I was disappointed I have to admit. Not often we get the opportunity to put out for ourselves. I will try to find a link on this site, and see what s what

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 13:10
by smiley
Allowed?! Ha! I scoff at paltry things like permission. :w00t:

I just emailed Teresa and got my own copy. Never saw anything that may or may not have been mailed to the principal. The boss (HOD) and I filled out mine, she got the Principal to sign it, and we sent it away.

I turn into a pumpkin now, but if you PM me your email I can forward you the copy that was sent to me tomorrow.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 13:17
by Ocker
I Love your Style Smiley!

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 13:20
by RosalieM
Contact Barbara Bowra (Email: because they are keeping a record of schools they e-mail the survey to. Mine came with instructions not to pass on to anyone else, but to have them contact Barbara directly.

"3. Please do not pass this survey on to other schools that may not have
it. Just ask them to contact me and i will send it out (i need to keep
track of the schools who are emailed the survey)."

If you get it you will need to fax it back tomorrow.


Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 13:31
by pkij
I am wondering if any other schools did not get the survey, we did not here in Mount Isa......but that is nothing new!!. I did alert my Principal, and he said he would pass on to me as he would have no idea how to fill out the survey. Might have to double check there but I am sure it would have been passed on. Its a pity its too late now. :-(

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 14:23
by Ocean Breeze
Thanks Rosalie.. good idea

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 19:01
by Teresa
Hi All,

Thank you for all your posts regarding the survey. I hear what you are all saying and am currently in touch with ECU regarding the closing date.

If you would still like to participate in the survey, but haven’t received it (with the exception of NSW DET schools) please pm me or email me direct on with your school email address and I will see what I can arrange.

I will keep you posted

Kind Regards

PS Sorry I haven’t responded sooner but I have been busy and then out shopping this afternoon

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 06:54
by sunray18
where can I download a copy?

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 10:25
by Ocean Breeze
Any idea if theres a fax number to send off to?

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 11:20
by RosalieM
I think there was one on the front page. If not, e-mail Barbara at the address I posted earlier in the thread and she'll be able to give it to you.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 11:30
by Teresa
Hi Everyone,

Good News !

The closing date for receipt of the National Survey of School Science Laboratory Technicians has been extended to Monday 27 October. Returns received after that date will apparently not be processed.

Therefore you have a couple of days grace to get your survey in. If you send them off immediately they will still be counted.

Please contact me directly (sending me your school email address) if you still need a copy of the survey, and I will see if I can arrange one for you. You cannot download one, but as previously mentioned, ECU needs to keep track of who has been sent one by email

Kind Regards

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 12:38
by Ocean Breeze
Problem solved everyone.

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 13:33
by Teresa
Hi Everyone

We hope all is well with you all.
As you all know the National Survey closed at the end of October.
Professor Mark Hackling has since been in touch with us to say that the university “Is drowning in data”!
We were very sympathetic but also secretly delighted and, of course, a lot of that data is due to your efforts in participating in the Survey.
Marilyn and I send our sincere thanks for all your support.
We will keep you posted regarding the Survey Report and Recommendations as and when we receive information in Term 1 next year.

CONASTA in Launceston (4th-7th July) is already open for registration and Marilyn and I have booked our flights. This is the annual conference for the Australian Science Teachers' Association and there is a Science Technicians' Programme contained within the conference; see It is a great opportunity to network and meet other technicians from around Australia.

It would be marvellous if many of us could get together there.

In the meantime we wish you all a safe and restful Christmas break and look forward to hearing from you again next year.
Kind regards
Marilyn & Teresa

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 13:40
by smiley
Would love to go & mingle & get the PD, but you're not getting me to Tasmania in the winter!! 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O 8O

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 02 Dec 2008, 13:46
by Teresa
The weather will be cold but think of the good company and stimulating discussions! :-)

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 07:47
by lizzieb
I love winter, and after having lived in Orange/Blayney areas, I miss it up here where we usually only have 2 seasons (mind you, we've had a wonderful spring this year).

Launceston in July sounds wonderful. I just looked up NSW holidays: 10 - 27 July, 09.

Oh, well - it's good to dream, and who am I to complain anyway, after getting to go to last week's wonderful conference. All is well

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 07:51
by RosalieM
I'm already planning my trip! It's the first few days of our school holidays so I'm planning to spend the rest of the 2 weeks travelling around. Should be good!

Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 09:48
by J
And I just LOVE Launceston!! :wub: :wub:


Re: NATIONWIDE Laboratory Technician Survey

Posted: 03 Dec 2008, 14:28
by lizzieb
All of Tassie, Julie!

Spent my honeymoon there nearly 32yrs ago, and have always wanted to go back, with more than a week to enjoy it better.

Ditto N.Z. In fact, my retirement travel dream would be to 'do' all all the major islands off this island continent. King, Norfolk, Thursday, Lord Howe, Kangaroo, Flinders, Cape Barren, Bathurst/Melville, Barrow - there's so many, it'd keep me going for a few years :D 8)