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Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 11:37
by Robb
Hi All,

Those peolple whom have requested the Risk Assessments for Experiments I have now sent them away. I appologise for the delay but there has been a huge demand for the template I have.



Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 11:38
by RosalieM
Would it be worth just attaching it to a post so anyone can use it? Or is it too big for that?
Just a thought...

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 13:52
by Robb
Hi Rosalie,

Thank you for your thought, but since this is my own work. It just offers a little more security. No offence intended.



Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 14:21
by RosalieM
That's fair enough.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 14:47
by emme
Hi Robb, I've received the RA, thanks, it is better set out than the one we use, so we will make some changes. All the best.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 15:26
by dime
Hi Robb,
Sorry to get on the band waggon so late, but is there a chance of getting a copy of your R A form please? We are not up to speed here, and I'm sure it is time we were. If you could manage it, our fax number is 67424429

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 16:34
by Robb
Hi dime,

I will get onto it Wednesday, and I will have it there for you.



Re: risk assessment

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 09:12
by ellice
Hi Robb,
Could I also trouble you for a copy of your RA form. Please fax to Ellice Brown 42200201.
Many thanks.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 10:46
by Trudy
Thanks for the Risk Assessment template Rob. Much appreciated.

Regards Trudy

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 11:46
by Sharls
Hi Robb,

I am revisiting our experiment risk assessments as I am not that happy with them. I see that you have faxed a few thousand copies of the one that you use to different people, would it be possible to get a copy as people seem very impressed with it?
Fax: 02 66428203


Sharls [-o<

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 13:43
by Robb
Hi Sharls,

I will send this off to you Thursday... I hope this is not a problem...

Things here are a little hectic..



Re: risk assessment

Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 14:13
by dime
Hi Robb

I've only just checked into the fact that most unfortunately I never received your fax re the RA form. Sorry to be a huge nuicance, but could you send it again when you have time, please? Attention Darelle at 67424429. Again sorry for the trouble.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 12:28
by judygee
Dear Robb - Just catching up with the RA for practicals (late as usual!!!!) I see you have already faxed off lots and lots, could I trouble you for one more copy? Many thanks. Fax to Judy Gould on 02 6852 3768. Much appreciated. Judy.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 15 Nov 2007, 18:00
by Ian
When I get back to school tomorrow, I will send you my FAX number (can't remember it right now!)

Dear ALL,
We also have RA's for each prac, arranged in textbook chapter order for each year (in theory, any way. Most are not done yet, as my HT expects me to do them all, but I think it would be of greater value for the teachers to do their own. Stalemate!

It is not just chemical hazards that need to be assessed, but all risks of injury, radiation, etc. Apparently (according to the OHS course, we need to include emergency information from MSDS's etc. "All hazardous substances and proceedures" was the quote. Again, if an experiment is considered non-hazardous, it does not require a RA

If I understood the lady at the course, once something like "lighting a Bunsen" has a RA, the RA can just be refered back to in subsequent experiments (Did you get that Lada?)

Still, the whole thing still needs a bit of re-thinking in my mind, as I am not sure that we are doing it correctly at our school, and RA's are still being ignored too often!

Apparently we should include a mini MSDS sheets for EVERY chemical used, along with the RA whenever we set up a prac! A couple of weeks ago, my Chem teacher was testing for different ions. He had half the chem store on a trolley! I would have needed another trolley just for the MSDS's!!!

Does anybody do this?


Re: risk assessment

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 07:34
by Loopy
I always send in my mini MSDS' in with a prac just in case something happens and a quick referral is needed. My mini MSDS' are laminated and copied onto coloured paper according to user code colour. Once you get used to it, you find it second nature to put these things into the prac tote tray. It's a system that works for me.
Lou P.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 07:45
by hel
Dear Ian,

What can I say? I have worked in 3 schools (1 in Melbourne) in the last 8 years & each school has a different idea how & when a risk assessment is aplied or needed. Having recently been through registration it was essential that we had at the least a folder containing risk assessments that was accessible by all science staff, this was duly noted by the inspectors.

I have opted to provide a risk assessment for each prac which states reactants & products with information regarding risks, first aid, safety precautions, spills & disposal. This seems to satisfy the powers at be. This is then placed in the prac tray. Whether the teacher decides to read this is completely up to them. As far as MSDS's, these are available for teachers should they feel the need for further information (haha).

This year we had a new 'Head' start which was under the impression that RA's were not required but has since changed his tune since attending a number of OH&S courses!

At the end of the day I think you do what you is consider the right way to go about it. I guess the bottom line is that all concerned are aware of the risks involved whatever the prac (electrical, biological or chemical) & accidents are avoided.


Re: risk assessment

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 08:06
by me
I put a mini MSDS out with any dangerous or hazardous chemicals but have been told by the departments "Curriculum Adviser- Science" that RA's are only needed if you are working outside the CSIS guidelines.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 09:03
by Labbie
Yes Tracy, I have also been told that one, but on a OH&S course, told again, that it is up to us Labbie's to maintain the RA's & MSDS, I put out Mini MSDS with Hazo stuff. It is the teachers that must do the RA's they are to be checked by Head teachers, the MSDS are up to us. That information is taken from our instructer of Science OH&S Pam Vener (Not too sure if the is spelt correctly) from PSA House.

Re: risk assessment

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 09:52
by Xenon
re teachers actually reading the RAs and MSDS; if they haven't done so before the prac period, they won't do so during the prac. If little Jonny splashes acid in his eye or has an asthma attack from I2 fumes, its a bit late in the day to start reading the safety literature. :w00t:
BTW, since I was given the task of RAs, my HoD has banned the 'black column' (sugar and conc H2SO4) after I expressed my concerns about the fumes and disposal of products. :thumbup:

Re: Risk Assessment Template

Posted: 16 Nov 2007, 20:51
by Ian
Robb wrote:Hi M,

I have completed my Risk Assessments regarding Practical Lessons; I have made a template which, obviously I use Time and Time Again.

If you would like to have this, pass the schools fax number on and I can send this through to you. Have a look at it and if need-be change it to suit.

Hope this has been helpful,

Woops! I promised to send you my FAX number Robb, and then did not. Sorry about that! My FAX number is (02) 4629 6291.

Thanks Robb. Have a great week end.