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Pipette Fillers

Posted: 13 Feb 2008, 13:43
by Ocker
I have to order some new 3 valve pipette fillers the others are all perished,as soon as kids suck acid up into them they start to perish.
I have some old black rubber ones, that never perish must be made with acid resistant nitrial rubber. can anyone tell me where to obtain some more of these, only ones I have seen are the red rubber type
Thanks Graeme

Re: Pipette Fillers

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 07:39
by Labbie
We use Pipette Pumps page 598 in the Q-stores book. THese are so easy to keep clean, and working. Their is no chance of these rotting etc. On the same page are the ones you already have. GIve q-stores a ring on 02 8304 7777

Re: Pipette Fillers

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 07:52
by Slartibartfast
We use the same as Sue - very easy to break down and clean properly.

The students need to be reminded not to go higher then the mark on the pipette and to draw up clean water from a sink after every use to avoid the perishing of the o rings. I had to put my foot down here for that reason, now we have no problems.

Re: Pipette Fillers

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 08:28
by Whspa
Livingstone sell heavy duty black rubber pumps, PF3T @ $10.40.
Science Supply Australia, LW3867-01 @ $12.50.

Re: Pipette Fillers

Posted: 14 Feb 2008, 21:18
by Robb
Hi All,

Everyone is on the mark here, there are alternate polymer pipette pumps that can be used for different types of solvents, but one thing that I agree with Richard on.... and that is prevention is better then cure. Technique is a discipline that needs to be managed effectively.

