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Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 10:39
by Rita
Hi All
CSIS book says Copper Sulphate OK for 7-12. No mention is made of concentrations. A bottle of saturated copper sulphate was found in back of cupboard. The bottle is labelled with a big "X" and a little"n" beside it. Teacher says it is a banned substance. Should concentrated solution not be used at all? Please help.


Re: Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:04
by Whspa
I looked up saturated copper sulfate on chemwatch and found its MSDS very similar to copper sulfate pentahydrate (solid). The concentration of CuSO4 is 10-20% in a saturated solution.
I can't understand why it would be banned.

Re: Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:31
by Robbie
Hi Rita,

I have never heard of copper sulfate being banned, in fact, it is used widely with junior classes to grow crystals because of the beautiful colour. However, make sure staff and students wear safety glasses/goggles as a splash in the eye can be painful. Also, wash your hands thoroughly after handling - don't rub any in your eye!


Re: Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:34
by Labbie
IT IS NOT BANNED, you are OK to use Copper sulfate Saturated. Perhaps the label with a X was on another bottle. When the draft was sent out back in the late 1990"s, I do not have a copy of that draft, my Head teacher said Copper sulfate Saturated was banned then. But I do not have a proof of that draft. You can go ahead and use it.

Re: Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 11:42
by cactus155
The European Union uses a hazard system with a Black Xn on a orange sticker to identify a harmful substance and I have seen bottles of chemicals in my storeroom with this label on as well

Re: Copper Sulphate

Posted: 01 Jul 2008, 12:34
by Rita
Thanks everyone. I'll use it.
