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Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 11:32
by lizzieb
A new Ag teacher has asked me to see if I can organise a dissection of reproductive systems, both male and female. It's part of the Yr10 curriculum - does anyone else do it, and where do you source the 'product'?
The book mentioned bovine organs, but I don't think our local abbattoir will supply it.
Am about to ring them and the sheep abbattoir - just thought I'd check with you guys to get your thoughts.


Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 12:02
by ellice
Hi Liz,
We sometimes dissect rats with Bio classes. I order them from Southern Biological (preserved-last for years). I get a range of male and female, and always ask for some pregnant.
Regards, Ellice.

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 12:03
by dolphinscales
Rats? Toads?
can they not be used

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 12:06
by Labbie
Rats from Southern Biology can, they have been checked first. Not too sure about Toads??

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 12:18
by lizzieb
That was my first suggestion too! But I said I'd ask around to see what others do.


Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 13:09
by smiley
Ask for nominations from the teachers. I'm sure every school has some students that would make the world a better place if they just donated their reproductive systems now.

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 14:21
by dime
Our new young Ag teacher rang the abattoir at Coonabarabran where we get out "eyes" from and is getting reproductive parts on Friday or Monday. I had asked them and they said no. So I suggested she ask and plead a bit. She sucked up big time, cause she really wanted the bits. So I suggest you get in touch with your abattoir and grovel. Seems it can be done, they just don't want to, no money in it for them I suppose. These are sheep bits I think.

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 15 Oct 2008, 14:36
by sunray18
Oh Smiley - You certainly gave me one! :grin:
I wonder - are teachers actually 'human'..mmmm... :cheesy:
A friend of mine reckons there ARE some who just shouldnt be allowed to continue the gene pool.....

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 13:17
by lizzieb
Oh Kristin, I love your sense of humour - first real LOL at work this week!!!

Darelle, you're right. I rang my 'phone a friend' (the line manager at the local sheep abbatoir), and he's happy to get a complete female system for me, but they don't kill any rams.

I'll run Kristin's idea by the teacher & HT - I'm sure they'd have a few likely subjects in mind :cheesy:

HT came in earlier today to comment "Strange how they all go so quiet when you show them a video of a birth" 8O

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 13:27
by kimmy
Our local butcher always gets these sort of things in for us we just have to give him about a weeks notice if it something unusual.
Good luck with your supply.

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 16 Oct 2008, 20:13
by lizzieb
Thanks Kim,

I'll let you know how it goes after Tuesday.

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 17 Oct 2008, 08:19
by Vick
Hi Kimmy

Is your local butcher Peter Robinson, if so he is my brother-in-law.


Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 13:04
by lizzieb
I had no trouble getting 3 female reproductive systems from the sheep abbatoir this morning.
They were done as dems, with the students joining in.

I was expecting them to be bigger, but obviously from lambs!

The teachers were very pleased though - so I guess it'll become a regular dissection now too, along with the complete digestive system (sheep) we do earlier in the year.

(Most of) the Ag students seemed to appreciate it!

Re: Reproductive System Dissection

Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 13:17
by kimmy
hi Vicki
Yes our local butcher is Peter Robinson, Oh it is small small world now isnt it. I am so lucky all I ever need do is give him a call with a weeks notice and he tries to get what ever i need in.
