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What is .....

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 13:45
by CC
Hello all,

Here's a silly little question that I've been dying to ask but was to scared to.
What is Whiteley Sonex and what is it used for?


Re: What is .....

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 13:56
by Judy
Found this on Google

Whiteley Corporation - SONEX is a highly active liquid detergent free of colour and odour.
It is specifically designed for manual and machine cleaning of anaesthetic equipment, instruments, plastic and glass utensils in hospitals, pathology and research laboratories


Re: What is .....

Posted: 20 Nov 2008, 14:00
by Ocker
I use it,It's used for washing glassware, It's a two part, add few mls of acticator just before using

Re: What is .....

Posted: 21 Nov 2008, 08:30
by CC
Thanks guys,
I've got the MSDS but I thought it was like a disentfectant.

CC :oops: