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Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 10:56
by rae
I want to have a whinge about chemwatch. Does anybody else use the online site for their labelling?
It drives me BONKERS :w00t: :w00t: :shock: . I want a label for 0.1M H2SO4 and do you think I can find it listed. They have all these really bizarre molarities like 0.26M but NOT 0.1M. I'm so cranky!!!!

Any suggestions????


Lorrae :mad: :mad: :mad:

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:13
by RosalieM
I had that problem too. Try searching for 0.1M instead of Sulfuric acid. The search only seems to work from the beginning of their listed substance. So if you search for 'Sulfuric' it will only display things starting with 'Sulfuric ...' and not '0.1M sulfuric ...' - very annoying!! I guess it depends who was on data input that day when it was entered. Someone else made this discovery and passed it on to me so I can't claim credit for it. I hope this helps you find what you're looking for, and other things in the future too!

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:31
by estelle
Good to see I'm not the only one going nuts. I have been trying to re enter all my chemicals to stores and do you think I can get the amounts to come up like it did the last time I used it. Nooooooooooooooooo! Some kind soul from IT decided to reformat my computer and supposedly did a back up of my chemwatch store but it disappeared so I have to redo the whole thing. (not happy)
I have just finished downloading and copying the a couple of manuals from the chemwatch program to see if I can figure out how some of the program works. We pay a licence each year and get an update CD about 4 times per year, I am not sure if you do the same or if you access it from the DET site.
Anyway while I am trawling through the manual I will see if it mentions what you need.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:40
by rae
Still can't find it even when searching for 0.1m chemical. There has got to be a better chem data base for schools than chemwatch. No I don't get the CD's I have a logon at the chemwatch site. Are they any better or have they got the same info as the internet data base??

What do other people do?

Yours in Frustration

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:46
by estelle
Try going to level 2 from the database page, then search for sulfric acid, when the list comes up 0.1M is about five down the list. Highlight that one from the list.
Then on that page click on the grey button titled "labels" on the left.
Then choose custom label from the popup button
Then click on fill
Then edit
Then default from top left
then choose the size label eg dropper
then print and how many you want
If all else fails let me know your fax number and I can send you a copy of some of the labels I use from a program called label maker, not sure where I got that from and lucky for me it wasn't deleted from my computer.
I have just started to re label all my bottles and I am using Avery Durable heavy duty labels L7067 code. Once they are on they don't come off they are supposed to be water and oil resistant. I figure if I use the laser copier the printing and label should last a lot longer than others I have used. I use them on my oil and body product bottles that I make and so far I haven't had anyone complain that the design has washed or rubbed off etc so I think they are going to work well for the dropper bottles.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:48
by J
Hi Lorrae

I have used the labels in chemwatch, but not for ages. I have set up a template in Word to fit the labels I want to print. When I need new information, I just look up the chemical in the CSIS package Appendix D, type it into this template and print it off. Better than arguing with software that isn't going to listen to what I want. :yuck: :-({|=

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 11:52
by Loopy
I use a program called Chemical Label Maker which has most chemicals already on list as well as different molarity. You can create your own label or edit an existing one. It's really quite good.
Lou P.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 12:00
by Labbie
Question regarding the chemical label maker, does it have the up to date information on a chemical, like the class etc. WHen we very firstly did the training on Chemwatch, we were told to keep a master copy of that label, so we could photo copy it over and over again. I have a book full of those labels, up until now I have no idea if they are correct or not, as the information changes some times twice a year. But this chemical label maker sound just the thing.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 12:10
by Loopy
It is as up to date as it can be when it was released. Google Chemical Label Maker (Australian search only). I think the program is excellent.
Lou P.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 12:39
by rae
Sorry Estelle I'm probably being really dumb but how do you go to level 2 from the data base page??

Actually I think I found it, is it,
sulfuric acid 0.1mol/l (0.2N) AnalaR Volumetric Solution is so would you use this??

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 25 Feb 2009, 14:09
by sunray18
As for Labels....
I print them onto paper.. onto one sheet of A4. I bought one of those big packing-tape dispensers with clear tape.
I cut the labels out {roughly at times I must admit}, and then sticky-tape the labels on using this wide tape.
The sticky tape keeps them waterproof AND it is MUCH easier to get off than labels - saves me heaps of time when I need to wash gear up and change labels.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 12:30
by Ocker
Even though I have Chemwatch on-line, for labels it's useless.
I always resourt to Chemwatch on Disc, as they have a custom label option where you can change anything to your needs

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 12:37
by macca
Chemwatch on CD is so much easier, it's updated 4 times a year. Can even add school logo to labels, include waste instructions, Formula everything. Ring Chemwatch direct for a quote on CD's

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 12:44
by Ocker
Hey Macca! since when have they allowed subscripts.
I always leave a gap and write numbers in by hand

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 13:40
by macca
Hi Ocker, If you go into custom label, then click on section you want to add to, then click change, go to text- text user and type in whatever you want.

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 13:45
by Ocker
I notice your label has H2O not H2O
I rest my case

Re: Chemwatch Whinge

Posted: 26 Feb 2009, 13:56
by macca
Can't have everything.