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Yr 12 bio brac exams

Posted: 02 Mar 2009, 12:12
by Sassi
Hi everyone,

We have done the capsicum enzyme prac for a number of years now (according to the teachers since I have only been here a yr) and they would like to do something different for once, but it seems they have run dry of ideas... So I thought id ask you guys, what do you do for your yr 12 bio prac exams???

Sass :wink2:

Re: Yr 12 bio brac exams

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 09:09
by Ocker
Try Pureed Liver, Hee Hee!

Re: Yr 12 bio brac exams

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 09:41
by Sassi
No way, gross! We wanted to do something other than an enzyme prac exam anyways, but thanks for your, erhm, suggestion :yuck:

Sass :wink2:

Re: Yr 12 bio brac exams

Posted: 03 Mar 2009, 10:00
by kitty kat
You can use Fresh pineapple Juice
3 testubes per group
100mls of 10% gelatin ( 3teaspoon of gelatin in 20mls of cold water add 80 mls of hot water them mix)
Pour equal amount of gelatin in testubes
testube 1 add2mls of pinapple juice
testube 2 add2mls of pineapple juice then boil
Testube 3 add 2mls of water mix and set aside
look at testubes after 15 min for results

Re: Yr 12 bio brac exams

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 14:36
by franco
Hi Sassi,

The attachment is a prac we did at a school I used to work at and it worked well.
