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bone preservation

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 09:08
by Kathryn

One of the students found a jaw bone on an excursion to the beach - looks likely to be from a dog. I have been asked to preserve it. What is the best way to go about this? It is pretty old - no flesh, but is a bit smelly. Still has a few teeth attached.


Re: bone preservation

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 10:16
by dolphinscales
No idea but maybe you could ring your capital city muesem and ask there they are bound to have some one who can help you with that :).
kids would love it :) the jaw of a dog!

Re: bone preservation

Posted: 04 Mar 2009, 11:47
by ellice
We just had Year 8 return from Kangaroo Valley with a skull. Think it's a kangaroo!! Anyway, I put it in a beaker of water and stewed it on low heat for most of the day, then gave it a good scrub with a test tube brush. Looks terrific.