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Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 07:35
by lada
I need to order new copy of CSIS . Where do I go? Our original one got lost in a move of our library.
lada [-o< [-o<

Re: csis

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 08:20
by Sassi
Lada dear,

No point trying to call NSW dept of Ed and training... I called them 10 times, left messages for them to call me back, I have emailed etc etc etc... That was now over a month ago, still haven't heard a shutta :club: But if you are still game, (as you know I have the worst luck in history) I would suggest calling them, as they did write the thing. I have the CD's if you want to borrow them?

Luv Sassi :giggle:

Re: csis

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 08:48
by lada
I am in a better position, I have MY copy in the lab. This is for the school and will be kept in the library, so I will happily hand the info to my librarian. I also have the cd.
Do you think Phillip Crisp would be able to help.

Re: csis

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 08:59
by Labbie
Orginally their was 4 copies sent to each HIGH school, one for the Principal, Science, Industrial Arts, & TAS, it may be different in each school, as some faculty combine. Ask the Principal for his copy and perhaps photocopy it. The cd roms do not work any more, unless you have a computer that you can back date.

Re: csis

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 09:19
by lada
It was the principal's copy that went missing :cheesy: . The original one in green and yellow folders.. The other dep. only received copy related to their dep.
Lada :coffee:

Re: csis

Posted: 26 Mar 2009, 21:55
by Mother
:hi: all
Forgive my ignorance,but when was the newcsis cd issued :?: :?: :?: I must have been sleeping on the job,yeah right!!!!!!

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 07:42
by lada
The "new" cd was issued sometime in 2002-2003. The original one was 1999-2000 (me think :cheesy: )
Lada :coffee:

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 07:46
by Labbie
You are correct Lada, but that is out of date now. Hence the chemwatch site.

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 09:51
by Lyn.Barber
Lada you should be able to get one from DET or you Sam should have it and or your Principal as there were 3 copies sent out from memory.
Lyn :wink2:

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 09:59
by macca
:coffee: You can still get the Chemwatch CDs or DVD direct from Chemwatch, with updates sent through 4 times a year. :coffee: heaps easier than doing on net.

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 13:11
by Mother
PHEW!!!!!! Thought I was missing out on something.I was told last year there was a revised CSIS coming.Obviously nothing is happening yet.Maybe we will receive it when hell freezes over!!!! :whistling2: :whistling2: :whistling2:
Take care

Re: csis

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 13:26
by noona
Hi All
CSIS can be got of the DEPT Web Site and not from Dr Phillip Crisp he now has nothing to do with CSIS Package so go to the DEPT intranet site and have a look

Re: csis

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 09:17
by macca
Just wondering if anyone else out there in the Catholic / Private sector has been told they won't be following the CSIS manual anymore, but taking on the "On Guard system"

Re: csis

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 10:11
No, haven't heard a thing (nothing unusual in that, however!)

Re: csis

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 10:37
by Labbie
Guess it will depend on the National Curriculum. And as they have not said anything as yet. Except do not spend your money on text books.

Re: csis

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 10:47
by Lis
Only DET schools can access CSIS in the intranet, independant schools unfortunately cannot. As for an update in 2002-03, our school didnt receive anything! was this just DET schools again? CSIS is WAY past its use by date and should have been updated since 2003.
I havent heard about the 'On Guard System' sound interesting, may have to get the principal onto it, as it is up to him/her. We (all schools) need a system that is up to date and relevant, I dont really mind either way but it has to work and be usable. If there is going to be 2 types of systems, that may be confusing for labbies who work in both Independant and DET schools, just my opinion.

Re: csis

Posted: 09 Nov 2009, 11:36
by Labbie
I Fully agree Lisa, as the National Curriculum is due to be finalised in 2010. Perhaps they will then bring in only one system, for us labbies. That would be just great. To all have the same rulers all over Australia. But it sounds like a dream to me????????????

Re: csis

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 09:59
by JudyM
Have I missed something?
I've not heard of the "On Guard" system.
Can someone fill me in please


Re: csis

Posted: 10 Nov 2009, 10:11
by macca
The on guard system is used alot in TAS departments, as of next year it will include science.
If you google it, it has alot of SOP more O.H.&S issues. I can't see that it is going to be able to replace, (or legalities) CSIS. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Sorry about the spelling.
Nationally accross the board would be the way to go.