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ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 07 May 2009, 11:26
by Labbie
We received a email today, from TAFE South Western Sydney Region. Regarding a User ID number and Password to be use for Manifest on the standard Chemwatch site. And access to the CSIS web site. Has any one else received this???????? My head teacher received it in his email, and passed it on to me.

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 07 May 2009, 15:56
by lainyv
I have had my ID and password for at least 4 years now...I love being able to access Chemgold it's very usefull plus I have my both my schools manifests on it...need any help just let me know..

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 07:38
by noona
Hi Sue
I don't have one yet but can still use chemwatch with out the pass word
Ann from Merrylands tried to get into the manifest with the pass word but could not start a new manifest
maybe you will have more luck

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 08:25
by Labbie
Noona, Why all have of a sudden, we DET schools been given passwords & ID?? We have not paid for this, from our School. Do you know any thing about this Noona???????

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 09:42
by estelle
I have spent the last 3 days trying to get a user name and password so I can set up a manifest for our school. Apparently the local OH&S support for our region has them from ITD. My local contact has been in meetings for the last 3 days so hasn't been back to me. I think the independant schools have had passwords etcfor a couple of years but I think the DET must be slow in getting ours out or just forgot to tell us. We can access the site and print MSDS, labels and search for chemicals etc but to set up a manifest the password and user name is needed. Also there is advice on Intranet at: ... hemfaq.htm

PS this is a copy of my emails regarding this.

To: Deeble, John
Cc: Hall, Adrian
Subject: RE: Login and Password for Chemwatch Manifest
The Regional OHS Liasion manager has been provided with passwords etc by ITD directorate.
Alan Smith
Manager Compliance and Energy
Asset Management Directorate
Ph: (02) 9561 8956 Fax: (02) 9561 8438
Mob: 0422 006 986

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 09:53
by matchstick
I needed the ID and password too, I spoke to Hugh Tranter at OHS directorate who emailed everything I needed to know.
But the only problem now is that because the password is so sensertive Im having trouble getting in again.I havent started our manefest yet!Good luck

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 09:57
by Ocker
It is not simple to set up manifest in chemwatch!
You will require an in-service to do it successfully

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 10:05
by Sassi
Excuse my ignorance, but what is a manifest???? :unsure:

Have I missed something vital 8-[


Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 10:06
by lainyv
Starting the manifest is easy..from memory once logged into the site first set up the advanced mode by going into the "settings". Once this is done hit the manifest button..You will need to type in the password...Its not the one sent to you by the DET I think it is a default one and again from memory it is SUPERVISOR in the uppercase and then supervisor in the lower case...did you get a booklet with your passwords in it? Anyway after you have got into it the first time you can set the password to anything you want...I have mine set so that only I can get in and no one can change it....Now I have a question to ask you a public school does the DET send you further information regarding the Chemical Safety In Schools proccedure....I havn't recieved any more from them in about 7 years after the CSIS you know anyone who can give us school specific information instead of just the Chemgold stuff (which I know off by heart) ? Does the whole staff have to have updated chemical safety training every so often and by who....If anyone in cyberspace knows the answer to these and many more questions (actually thats all )please let me know and not telepathically cos I can't always be switched on...if you need to talk to me while you try to set up your Chemgold I am happy to give you my phone if you didn't get the manual with your password I can make copies and send them to you....I didn't find setting up the manifest hard at all and I have done both our campuses and went out and helped Cedars with theirs..A m,anifest is just a file containing all your chemicals held on site

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 10:22
by noona
Hi Sue
At the inservices I went to last term we talked about stocktake of chemicals and we asked why we could not do it on chemwatch and they said that we should have it on there as that way the Fire Dept can look at if if there is a fire.
I said we could not do it that way any more so Glen was going to look into it
Looks like he has done so and the Dept has paid the money :clap3: :clap3:
That is what was stopping us as the Dept has to pay for the right to use it.
P.S. I don't have mine yet but maybe they will do our lot next :redcard: :redcard:

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 10:38
by Labbie
Yes please Lorraine, please see your email's for our address, Fax and Email.

My head teacher said Thanks a bunch, :clap3: =D>

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 11:13
by estelle
I hate that!! I spent 10 minutes writing a reply, hit submit and it went to cyberspace.
So here I go again. Sorry if the other one does turn up as well sometime.

Anyone needing their password and user name for the DET chemwatch program can contact for the north coast area from Taree to the border. Others can phone their region OH@S rep I have put a link with all the contact details for them below. ... listv3.pdf These reps all should have a copy.
Apparently the UN and PW were emailed to each school principal or head science teachers. Pity they weren't sent to the lab assistants who actually needed them.
He is also interested in hearing from any school assistants that are sent to work in science with no training. He couldn't believe from a safety point that would happen. He would like to follow up on that.
He also said it was important to report any incidents/accidents to the DET notification hotline 1800 811 523 so that if there is a trend in science assistants notifications then "someone" might see that there is insufficient training in this area.
I downloaded a workbood manual from the DET chemwatch site and it takes you through setting up and using the site. It is similar to the one I have been using for the chemwatch program that we were paying for. You do have to take some time to become used to it though. I agree with Graeme, an inservice would definately help but there isn't any offered so that is the only option.

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 08 May 2009, 20:37
by lizzieb
Hi Estelle, Graeme et al,

Chemwatch came up here a couple of years ago and ran training sessions in Tamworth & Armidale.
Our Regional SASS Reference Group covered the costs.
Maybe it's worth talking to someone on the RSRG committee? Ring your DET office for a list of contacts.

Here's the information for contacting Chemwatch:

Anna Goutnik
Help Desk & Education Service
ph: 9573 3110
fx: 9572 4666

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 09:06
by Sassi
justsue wrote:
Sassi wrote:Excuse my ignorance, but what is a manifest???? :unsure:

Have I missed something vital 8-[

Its another word for your chemical register.

Pheeeeew!!! For a second there I thought I was screwed :wink2:

Thank you,

Sass :giggle:

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 11:36
by rosiegbh
I have been trying to access the manifest since last October when I found out it existed. I spoke to Linda Watts (Western sydney regional OH&S person). She eventually contacted me and emailed the principal a username and password. This did not work. I tried this again this year it still did not work. After the inservice in Feb. I spoke to the principal again and Linda Watts emailed the username and password. Same one as before and it still does not work. Linda said she would look into it. I am still waiting and so can't access the manifest.
As for what Lainyv said about the training for all staff in Chemical safety in schools. This package has not been updated according to the inservice we had from Glenn Sawle and the school if responsible for all staff to be trained. The info is available from the CSIS site. One of our deputy's has been given the job to conduct the inservice. I think it goes for 1 and 1/2 hours and a bit more involved for science, art and tas staff. I am going to contact Linda Watts again to see if I can still get a new password. Who knows? maybe it will happen this time!

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 12:03
by ~megz~
rosiegbh - I had a similar problem, and after waiting and waiting for weeks for help, my collegue and I finally figured out the problem: I had the incorrect URL for the Chemwatch website (apparently there is several different accesses to 'chemwatch gold II' and I had gotten the wrong one somehow! The log-in window looks exactly the same for each one, which doesn't help!

Is this the URL you are using?

http://jr.<URL removed, see forum rules>/edu/

This one worked for me! The other one I was trying didn't have the edu on the end.

Good luck!

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 12:32
by Labbie
On the information we received the web site was given as

This is to use the Manifest, we were told to go into the manifest using this site every time.

The standard chemwatch address is

Gosh I do hope this helps.

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 12:56
by ~megz~
Okay - obviously there are even more URLs for ChemGold out there than I thought! JustSue might be closer to the mark than I...

Hope you can find the one that works for you :thumbup:

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 11 May 2009, 13:52
by estelle
I have managed to set up my store on the site that Sue mentioned but I now can't add any chemicals. The screen comes up with an error message from windows internet explorer that says separator "/" is allowed only OK. I have rung chemwatch in Melbourne Friday and they didn't know what it was and was supposed to get back to me but hasn't. I tried phoning DET IT about it and the guy hadn't even heard of the program even though it is a DET web address. Great isn't it that the DET can't even help
Has anyone else had that message and if so any suggestions.
I figured I would come to the people that actually know something!!!
Thanks in advance

Re: ID & Password for access to CSIS/Chemwatch

Posted: 12 May 2009, 08:41
by Labbie
estelle wrote:I have managed to set up my store on the site that Sue mentioned but I now can't add any chemicals. The screen comes up with an error message from windows internet explorer that says separator "/" is allowed only OK. I have rung chemwatch in Melbourne Friday and they didn't know what it was and was supposed to get back to me but hasn't. I tried phoning DET IT about it and the guy hadn't even heard of the program even though it is a DET web address. Great isn't it that the DET can't even help
Has anyone else had that message and if so any suggestions.
I figured I would come to the people that actually know something!!!
Thanks in advance
The only way I have managed to put chemicals amounts in, is this way. I have No idea if its the correct way or not. When in the MSDS Label screen, bring your chemical up, the remember how you added the chemical to your manifest, click on the trangle, and up comes the box to put your amounts in. Good Luck. 500ml x how many bottles you have say 4 = 2.000L, then click ok. Back to search for another chemical.