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Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 09:45
by nickyw
Hi Guys

Does anyone have any fun pracs to do concerning genetics. This is for a yr 9 class that is a little unruly so the prac needs to be fun and engaging. :crazy:

Also are there any good biology pracs out there suitable for yr 8s.

Thanks in advance


Re: Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 12:33
by cecmel
How about "Breeding Reebops"? Also know as making little critters out of marshmallows, tooth picks, thumb tacks and pipe cleaners. A web search for "reebops" should give you the method, but let me know if you want more info. We haven't done it for a few years now, but as I remember it, the kids had a lot of fun, and we ended up with a large display in the school foyer of Mum & Dad Reebop and all their babies (with a big sign saying something like - Science Experiment: DO NOT EAT)

Re: Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 14:11
by RosalieM
We use vegetables. I can't remember the whole thing, but it is something like a potato is a male and an apple is a female, and then they have long legs (beens) or short legs (carrot sticks), and 2 other options for arms, peas or sultanas for eyes etc... the kids work in groups to make 'parents' and then they use a punnet square to work out possible offspring, put the options on paper and pull them out to make the offspring. They are all put together with toothpicks.

Re: Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 14:48
by Sassi
We use killer pythons, jelly beans and toothpicks to make a double helix , and use different coloured jelly snakes to demonstrate meiosis:)

Re: Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 17 Jun 2009, 15:30
by laurena grieger
We use Vegetable people, similiar to the above notes. We use an onion and potato with celery arms, (short and Long), carrot feet or parsnip, with sultananas or apricots for eyes. We find the students love it. They get to name their little baby.
\:D/ Goodluck

Re: Pracs for Genetics and Biology

Posted: 18 Jun 2009, 09:41
by Whspa
We use marshmallows, long and short musk sticks, and colour sorted smarties. At the end of the prac the kids get to "eat the cannibals before they eat you!" They love it but complain if their cannibals have short arms/legs - less lolly to eat!