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cooling curve expt

Posted: 11 Aug 2009, 13:32
by smeee
Does anyone have a good expt for a cooling curve expt ?
Maybe dripping/lard/candle wax. We are trying for an "angular" curve rather than "curvy" one ( if that makes sense )
We tried Salicylic acid but didn't get a good result.
Any ideas ??

Re: cooling curve expt

Posted: 12 Aug 2009, 12:15
by JelJane
Not sure what you mean by angular exactly but you could try stearic acid. Have a look at the graph here ... es_5.shtml

Re: cooling curve expt

Posted: 13 Aug 2009, 10:18
by Ocker
It will always be a curve as when cooling the temp differance to ambient gets less so heat emited is less/Slower
In industry they have an instrument called a "Tech Tip" which is a cup with a thermocouple in it, connected to a recorder producing a cooling curve of molten metal, by the shape of the curve they can say what elements make up the alloy.

Re: cooling curve expt

Posted: 19 Aug 2009, 09:02
by ird
paraDICHLOROBENZENE is best, :yuck: but must be performed in fume hood.

STEARIC ACID is safest. \:D/

Re: cooling curve expt

Posted: 19 Aug 2009, 10:09
by smeee
Thank you all for the tips.
This is for a university lecturer. After all the research I did, with your help, he decided to go with paraffin wax heated in a water bath so its pretty safe.
Some of these uni students haven't done science since Year 10. What chance will their students have ? 8O