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Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 10:20
by bindibadgi
Hi everyone,

I had a look through old posts here but couldn't find quite the right I'm hoping someone can help.......does anyone do yoghurt or cheese making experiments?
I'm looking for something simple that we can do with our junior science classes, years 5 & 6, so it needs to be easy & safe.

Any other microbiology based activities for the youngsters would be greatly appreciated too. :wub:



Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 10:36
by lizzieb
Hi, Kiah - I have a couple of recipes for both at my 'other' school, but sorry, haven't had time to transfer all my resources yet.
I'm sure someone else will give you directions today, but you could always try googling, or try 'wikihow' or professor Bunsen, or the ABC Science site - any of those have simple recipes.

Have fun!

Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 10:44
by smiley
CHeck out this website for simple yogurt instructions.

In the past I've begged baby food jars from school mummies and sterilised them in Miltons.
Incubation can be done overnight in a frypan on a thermostat with a trviet or something in to keep the jars off the hot base of the frypan.

You could also inflate a balloon using yeast.
First inflate and deflate a balloon a few times so that the rubber is stretched a little.
Put one packet of yeast into a soft drink bottle, add warm water and sugar.
Put the balloon over the mouth of the bottle and tape it if necessary to keep it sealed.
Balloon should inflate as the yeast produces CO2.

Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 10:45
by rodannt
Our year 9's have just put yoghurt in the incubator
The receipe we used
200ml of UHT full cream milk
1 table spoon of natural yoghurt
Combine in a foam cup,
cover with glad wrap and incubate over night at 40 'C
Add sugar and rassberries to taste the next day.

I will let you know how it went.......

Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 11:31
by kimmy
this is what our teacher uses when doing Yoghurt - hope it is of some help


Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 20 Aug 2009, 12:12
by bindibadgi
Thanks for the help & recipes everyone! :clap3:

I had time to do a bit of googling this morning (takes time to trawl through though :banghead2: ) & found a couple of sites with simple yoghurt instructions too. ... oghurt.htm &

& one for cheese making...... ... ecipe.html

Plus a junior science site full of links & activities that look interesting.......



Re: Junior science pracs

Posted: 21 Aug 2009, 09:36
by lizzieb
Great recipes - many thanks!