Terrerium Question

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Terrerium Question

Post by dolphinscales »

I have a terrerium with pitcher plants in it - it is a wonderful little ecosystem that is threatened -lol By big black curtains on the windows of the room where it is housed - actaully allmy rooms have them now. I have no optin to move the tank to a place that gets batter light so my question is am i better off with a uv light for teh tank or will a normal tank light do to give the guys enough light to live by?

Does any one out there have pitcher plants? - doyou feed yours at all? i have not and it does not seem to effect them at all. WOnder though if i should in summer put out a few insect traps and catch a few to throw in.
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Re: Terrerium Question

Post by bindi »

I have pitcher plants 'monkey cups' the live in a lab by the window which has a blind pulled down most of the time. Still going strong! I have it siting in a tray of disilled water which I allow to dry off for a few days then top it back up. I have never feed it and it grown like a weed and about 4years old!
Not sure what light to use, someone may have an old aquarium light you could test out on a timer.
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