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Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 09:39
by estelle
I just got handed a flyer for a day course for labbies for "introduction to data loggers for laboratory support staff. 8th December 9am to 4pm from south western sydney instutute of TAFE Cost $260. There is also one for teachers as well but I think theirs goes for 3 days.
The course for labbies is designed to provide a basic and or intermediate knowledge of Data logging
The fundamentals of data logging covered include.
Identifying sensor types and their application
Using and maintaining sensors and electrodes
Remote data logging in the field
Connecting to data logger to and using a computer
Understanding fundamental principles such as sample rate and sample number
Conducting simple experiments.
run by Phil Jones.
for further info contact Jackie Evans on 02 9780 5583 or email

Pity these courses aren't up our way. I can't afford the travel costs to attend them in Sydney.

Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 10:01
by J
Hi Estelle

If you use Vernier data loggers the guy at Scientrific in Yamba should be able to help you out. We bought 3 new ones from him and he met with some of the science HTs in our region to give them instructions. He's closer to you than to us, so you may be able to come to an arrangement. He gets around a fair bit trying to sell his stuff and giving instructions.


Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 10:36
by Labbie
I did this course last year. It was excellent, you are best to take a lap top if you can. Not all of theirs worked. Also your own data logger. It really is well worth going too.

Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 11:08
by macca
I went last year too, it was very good. I found it to be a bit of a sale pitch. However, I ditched the vernier and purchased the ezilog which is so simple to use. Teaching some of the teachers has proved to be a little harder. But would highly recommend going, that was how I learnt about this site. :clap3: :clap3: :clap3:

Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 13:16
by debbec
Phil Jones sometimes goes to the St Mary's Conference. If you are going you could ask him if would run a course closer to home for you or just send him an email.
I have always found him helpful and easy to talk to. Email

Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 13:49
by estelle
Thanks for the ideas everyone. I won't be going to St Marys (can't afford the expense for this either) but maybe if I give him a call there might be enough interest to get a course up this way.
Have a great holiday.

Re: Intoduction to Data Loggers for laboratory support staff

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 10:30
by vlclabbie
Our school can't afford to send me to a lot of these things either but I would love to go!

Why isn't there more regional cooperation to get these things everywhere? We did look into doing something & I'd love to run with it but as I will only be in the job another year I don't think it's fair to start something & then dump it on a new labbie .....
