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management software

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 09:15
by RosalieM
I know some people have discussed various programs for risk assessments, stock registers etc., but I am wondering if anyone knows of a lab management program where you can create a database of pracs so teachers can electronically order their pracs instead of having to write it out every year? If you do, may I have your opinion on these programs?
Rosalie :)

Re: management software

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 09:30
by rosiegbh
Great Idea Rosalie, I would love to have that facility at my school. Hope someone has the answer


Re: management software

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 09:37
by RosalieM
The ICT integrator here is also looking into it so hopefully we'll come up with something, otherwise we'll make one up. Perhaps it will be my ticket to $millions! :cheesy:

Re: management software

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 10:05
by nickyw
The former labby here, who has now gone over to IT (computer genius), made up our own using an access program. All the pracs from the various text books and teachers heads are written into the program and when the teachers need to order a prac they simply look up the experiment name from a drop down list, fill out the details ie: name, class, when, where etc and then email it to me :clap3: Easy.

The only negative is some teachers are tooooo stupid to use it :redcard: but I'm about to get tough and deny their little bits of paper with a prac written on it somewhere. :mad:

Re: management software

Posted: 22 Oct 2009, 10:43
by smiley
OK so where's the emoticon for envy.

Re: management software

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 10:06
by Jazz
it is not hard to make it, if you are familiar with Access 07 I can talk you through, or if you can wait conference coming up sometimes in July. I'll be running workshop "IT for lab technicians"
Smee will be person to ask more about conference,she is in organising comity

Re: management software

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 10:56
by RosalieM
Thanks Jazz. That's what our IT guy said he'd use if we couldn't find anything else out there. What conference are you talking about in July?